The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

Read what friends and neighbors have to say

- Sound Off is a forum to spur dialogue from residents of the communitie­s we serve on topics of interest in those communitie­s. Fair game are comments that raise issues of note or amplify ongoing debates. We will not publish comments that are potentiall­y lib

Take a look at what friends and neighbors are saying about local hot topics and join in on the conversati­on.

Congratula­tions to Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Chicago has set yet another record. Your city has had over 1,000 people shot between Memorial Day and Labor Day. Also, ironically, two weeks ago a police officer from Chicago was put on trial for murder when a perp was shot while high on PCP and attacked him with a knife. So much for Democratic mayors, give that job to Joe Arpaio and clean up that mess. —Vote Republican

In recently concluded research, Jonathan Feinstein (Yale), Edward Kaplan (Yale) and Mohammed Fazel-Zarandi (MIT) calculated that the population of illegal aliens within our borders is closer to 22 million, not the often cited estimate of 11 million. The ramificati­ons are significan­t in terms of wage suppressio­n as well as the taxes required to underwrite social services and education. —Mark Furlong To the person who said Dr. Ford is obviously making up her story, how do you know? Were you in the room with them that night? If so then you should testify. If you weren’t there then you have no idea who’s right or who’s wrong, you’re just playing favorites like everyone else. That’s why this case should be investigat­ed.

Brett Kavanaugh was a rich spoiled person who lied and thought he could get away with anything, part of the good old boys club. Now his past is coming back to haunt him. Whether he is confirmed or not he can be held on criminal charges in the state of Maryland because there is no statute of limitation­s on sexual assault and he can be impeached as a Supreme Court judge.

Obama was in Philadelph­ia campaignin­g on Sept. 20 and was yacking about the federal debt yet when he entered office on Jan. 20, 2009, the federal debt was $10.6 trillion. When he left on Jan. 20, 2016, it was $19.9 trillion. So he added roughly $9.3 trillion in debt to the spending of this country. Tell me that’s not hypocrisy. This guy doesn’t care about debt any more than the man in the moon. He should have practiced what he’s trying to preach.

It’s amazing how all these millionair­e Democrats want to give away the taxpayers’ hard earned money. To quote Will Rogers, “I could remember way back when a liberal was generous with his own money.” —Jim Fitch

I had something strange happen to me last week. Someone stole my “We support our local police” sign. How about that.

To slow down speeders in school zones, especially in Limerick Township you need to install speed bumps. People will complain but it will sure slow down the speeders.

This is to the person who’s complainin­g that we’re the only country to pull out of the climate agreement. I’m glad we are because that was going to cost the U.S. $1 trillion over 10 years. Also I’m retired but my son works and when the tax cut went through he got a raise from the tax cut and also his company gave him a $2,500 bonus. So I guess that’s only for the rich then.

I was reading an article about Dunkin’ Donuts losing “Donuts” in their name. I was a little taken aback. What you think dunkin’ means? What’s Dunkin’ if you’re not going to have Dunkin’ Donuts? Bad move, bad move.

Here’s what I like to tell some politician­s, some athletes, some entertaine­rs and a few other people around the world — calm down, take a deep breath and hold it for about 30 minutes. —Sarcastic Sam

I think that Constand woman was awfully dumb to take three blue pills without knowing what they were for and what they would do to her.

What an embarrassm­ent, our president stands on the world stage in front of the UN and addresses them with one of his monstrous lies and the world laughs at him. Remember when we could be proud of our president? —Frattbak

I’d like to thank the Pottstown football team members and the Hill School students for helping to clean up this past weekend.

When the lanternfly was first discovered in Berks County something should have been done. They should have been spraying immediatel­y in the area and just told the bee handlers to move whatever they have out of the immediate vicinity. Now nothing can stop it. It’s in four states at least. It’s like when you spill milk, clean it up right away. Don’t let half a dozen people walk by and slip on it.

I’m a senior citizen and my cable bill was more than my electric bill for this past month even with the heat being in the 90s and whatever. I’m not complainin­g that my electric wasn’t higher but for cable I just have two TVs, no internet. Something is wrong with this picture. I don’t know why they don’t give senior citizens a break.

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