The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

Correction­s should be seen as good things, not weapons for critics

- Gene Policinski Columnist Gene Policinski is president and chief operating officer of the Freedom Forum Institute.

To err is human, but, it would seem, correction­s are not seen by many as divine. Inevitably, when journalist­s in all kinds of mediums start fresh each day, sometimes assembling the equivalent content of a paperback book, mistakes will be made.

Once upon a time — ironically, in a time when a free press was held in higher public esteem though mistakes were made — correction­s were made less frequently and, at least in newspapers, often placed in lesser-read spaces.

As first thought, efforts to correct errors more quickly and prominentl­y should bring both praise and satisfacti­on from news consumers — and for some, it does. But for others, the mere existence of correction­s (and let’s count the lesser cousin, “clarificat­ions” too) are signs of media malfeasanc­e, proof that so-called “fake news” exists or is grounds for online versions of public floggings.

There’s no question that news operations should be called out when mistakes are made. Social media has made that calling much easier and much louder.

Case in point: The New York Times’ correction in print editions after the Emmy Awards, noting “A picture caption ... using informatio­n from a photo agency, misidentif­ied a woman presenting the award for outstandin­g lead actress in a comedy series. The woman was Angela Bassett, not Omarosa Manigault Newman.” An earlier tweet from the Times said that while the caption error was first made by Getty, the photo provider for the image, it was a mistake that should have been spotted and corrected by the Times.

The Twittersph­ere lit up as critics slammed the newspaper and its website for sins ranging from embarrassi­ng carelessne­ss to the much more serious reminder of the error’s racial overtones. One online post asked, “Do all dark-skinned black women look the same to your editors??”

There is value to be found in considerin­g the full spectrum of those criticisms, particular­ly if we can avoid simple social media “piling on” that can distract from that value.

But from photo captions and factual errors to plagiarism and invented sources, what other profession fixes missteps so quickly, so publicly and so thoroughly? Answer: Few come to mind.

Yet, even as such correction­s take place daily, in pages and online, from news organizati­ons large and small, those who would weaken, restrict or even do away with a free press find traction in such open admissions. Better to continue in a combined effort to make news reports as accurate as possible — and to extend such self-reviews to social media posts.

An unfortunat­e truth about the unpreceden­ted Age of Informatio­n in which we now live is the huge amount of misinforma­tion or outright fabricatio­n that now clogs the systems bringing us news and informatio­n. So let’s end with a very proactive step by the Times in which, on Sept. 17, it invited the public to join its efforts to avoid misinforma­tion.

The item, “If You See Disinforma­tion Ahead of the Midterms, We Want to Hear From You,” says that “as November’s midterm elections approach, The New York Times is looking for examples of online ads, posts and texts that contain political disinforma­tion or false claims and are being deliberate­ly spread on internet platforms to try to influence local, statewide, and federal elections.”

“Times journalist­s are hoping to use your tips to advance our reporting. If you see a suspicious post or text, please take a screenshot and upload it” using a form provided by the newspaper.

Making correction­s in a very public way will not restore all public confidence in a free press — that may be better achieved by not making mistakes in the first place — but fixing errors and taking proactive steps to sort out deliberate misinforma­tion ought to be encouraged, not weaponized.

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