The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

Winning is apparently all that matters


The US Senate confirmed Brett Kavanaugh to be the 114th associate justice to the U.S. Supreme Court.

This editorial is about winning. Unfortunat­ely. The United States Senate confirmed Brett Kavanaugh to be the 114th associate justice to the U.S. Supreme Court.

He was sworn in just hours after Saturday’s historic vote.

Monday night Kavanaugh was sworn in again – this time in a White House ceremony. With his wife and children at his side, in full view of the TV cameras, Kavanaugh placed his hand on the Bible and took the oath, striking a tone of conciliati­on after his contentiou­s hearing. Kavanaugh vowed not to be a partisan, to be a team player on the ninemember court.

“The Senate confirmati­on process was contentiou­s and emotional,” Kavanaugh said in his remarks. “That process is over. My focus now is to be the best justice I can be.”

Mindful of the group he was joining, Kavanaugh stressed the high court “is not a partisan or political institutio­n” and assured he will take up his new duties with “no bitterness.” The president? Not so much. President Trump used an event that could have been a unifying event, a balm for the nation’s battered, bruised psyche after a grueling two weeks surroundin­g his pick for the high court, and decided to pour a little gas on the fire.

Trump opted to use the occasion to once again play to his base, trying to energize the GOP just a few weeks before the crucial mid-terms many believe will be a referendum on his presidency.

Trump took the opportunit­y to offer an apology to Kavanaugh, while slamming those who opposed his nomination in a “campaign of personal destructio­n.”

“On behalf of our nation, I want to apologize to Brett and the entire Kavanaugh family for the terrible pain and suffering you have been forced to endure,” the president told those gathered.

He did not reference the testimony offered by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, whose story he initially described as “compelling” and “credible” after her extraordin­ary appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee. He did not offer any words of healing. He did not show any compassion. He did not extend a sense of understand­ing or even acknowledg­ement of what it must have took for her to come forward.

He could have placed a much-needed salve on the nation’s gaping wound, a balm on our troubled psyche. Instead he ripped it open again. He attacked. Why? Because this is not just about Kavanaugh, or the high court.

It’s about Trump. It always is. And it’s about winning.

And make no mistake. Trump won. Mitch McConnell won. Republican­s won.

And in the process, Trump discovered a magic elixir that may yet salvage what many viewed as a “Blue Wave” coming in the November midterms.

He used the bruising confirmati­on battle, or as he referred to it, “a hoax set up by the Democrats,” to energize Republican­s for the election fights that loom just a month away.

Trump continued to rail against what he saw as a plot to stop the Kavanaugh nomination by people he described with a single word: “Evil.”

He blasted the case against his nominee as “false charges” and “false accusation­s. Horrible statements that were totally untrue.”

Now Trump will hit the road, hoping to stoke the base, rally Republican and swing voters and reverse what many had envisioned as a coming rebuke of his administra­tion.

Give the president credit for the economy, for sparkling numbers on the jobs front.

But don’t forget everything else.

You can be pretty sure he has not. He never does. He remembers every slight. He even skewered pop star Taylor Swift after she came out in support of Democratic candidates in Tennessee. The president vs. the pop star.

This is the Donald Trump presidency. Indeed this is Trumpism, the new mantra of the Republican Party.

It’s not about the greater good. It’s not about unifying the nation, especially now when the scars of the Kavanaugh hearing are still so inflamed. It’s not about decency.

It’s about Trump. It always is.

It’s about winning. And this round clearly went to The Donald.

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