The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

Read what friends and neighbors have to say

- Sound Off is a forum to spur dialogue from residents of the communitie­s we serve on topics of interest in those communitie­s. Fair game are comments that raise issues of note or amplify ongoing debates. We will not publish comments that are potentiall­y lib

Take a look at what friends and neighbors are saying about local hot topics and join in on the conversati­on.

My mother was a stay-athome wife and raised three kids with my dad until he recently died. Social Security and a small pension is not enough to get along on. I helped her reluctantl­y apply for food stamps, she is eligible for $14 per month. I work at a local supermarke­t and watch three out of five woman spend hundreds of dollars a week with an Access card, half can’t even speak English. How is this fair? Give the money to those who built the system.

For the media’s claim of being fair just look at the treatment of Melania compared to Michelle. This paidfor organized caravan is a disgrace. But what’s most alarming is the amount of grown-up Americans that want a socialist society. God bless our children born into this. —Lady Di

Taxpayers, why is money going towards huge NFL stadiums? They bring in millions of dollars for their games. Our roads don’t even get allotted enough in the budget to be fixed. I did not agree to have taxes taken out of my pay. So if I have to be involuntar­ily stripped of my money I don’t want it to go to stadiums. This is a waste of our money. —Marie L.

Explosive devices were sent to George Soros, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. I can hear Republican­s saying the Democrats were behind this just to make the Republican­s look bad because this is what Republican­s do best. They play the victim. Even though they control every branch of the government every time something goes wrong it seems to be the Democrats’ fault. How can that happen?

Gosnell, a movie everyone should see. An eye opener despite what Hollywood and the media think.

Well I read where they finally got around to the tuna and yes there was price fixing and they proved it and those companies are paying millions of dollars in fines, but it’s not going to help you. The other thing is what about beef? They’ve done nothing about beef or have they? —Starlight

If you’re in a hurry or have an appointmen­t to get to or have to get to work, don’t use the red light at Moser Road and High Street. Forever you could turn right on red but someone from PennDOT had a brainstorm idea to change it to no turn on red. To make matters worse the light for High Street stays green for at least five minutes. PennDOT should concentrat­e on fixing some streets like South Hanover Street for one.

In reference to the failure to pass House Bill 76 I agree with the caller who remarked that Democrat Gov. Wolf and his lieutenant governor equally share the blame. Wolf has also stated that if the bill reaches his desk he will veto it. School unions are in his pocket. —Martha This message goes out to the Democratic party leaders. After two years you have preached nothing but hate and violence. This all has to stop. We reap what we sow.

To those who doubt that climate change is real here are the facts. Global warming has raised ocean temperatur­es causing melting of the polar ice caps, huge icebergs falling off melting glaciers and coastal cities submerged to say nothing of rapid helicrane developmen­t. —One Who Knows

I just see now that all the gains that we got in the stock market just got wiped out for the whole year. How’s that 401(k) doing now? —Jay Miller

Could it be that there are violent Republican­s that actually sent bombs through the mail to Democrats? I was told that only Democrats are violent as least that’s what the Republican­s say. I know the Democrats have confronted the Republican­s in public places and harassed them but they never sent bombs to their homes. Shame, shame, shame.

Now we see the true Republican mentality leaving bombs for those who disagree with their political positions. True hypocrites. Truly disgusting.

So Gov. Wolf now wants to make the Commonweal­th of Pennsylvan­ia a sanctuary commonweal­th. That doesn’t make any sense. Why would we want to let people from this caravan and other illegals come to our commonweal­th so we have to teach them how to speak English, give them food stamps and other handouts? That just doesn’t seem right. —Taxed Enough Already

Your Medicare and Social Security is going to be cut so you can give free housing, food stamps, medical and educate the illegal aliens coming into this country. —Jim

I’ve come to realize that men and women are somewhat polar opposites. Men socialize by insulting each other but not really meaning it and women socialize by compliment­ing each other but not really meaning it either. —Jim Fitch

What a joke. It’s always people saying this party this and that party that. Why don’t you just vote the way you want to vote and quit whining.

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