The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

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Take a look at what friends and neighbors are saying about local hot topics and join in on the conversati­on.

I’m calling about the car shows that we have every summer. I understand that they are stopping them. Pottstown doesn’t have anything going on now as it is so now they’re going to take away the car shows too. I understand they’re supposed to be having them over at the mall. That doesn’t help us walking people. Get a life Pottstown, you’re killing yourself.

I see where the car club has decided to leave High Street in Pottstown in the summertime. They’re going to move their show over to the Coventry Mall. I think it is a wonderful idea actually. There’s a lot more room over there and it’s a lot safer for the cars. And to be honest with you Pottstown High Street doesn’t deserve to have those cars out there. They got rid of the cruising so we should get rid of the car show. Don’t give them anything.

The Democrats have just proven that they came from Mars because if you take away all the carbon you take away everything green just like Mars. Thank you Democrats for proving that. And also celebratin­g the death of babies? Pathetic. —

President Clinton was the first and worst of four horrible presidents. He forced mortgages to go to people who could not pay them especially after they ratcheted up after several years. This he engineered to happen well into the next administra­tion causing the housing and economic collapse. He cowed in front of Al Qaeda letting them get away with attack after attack on U.S. ships, embassies and offices bringing on 9/11 a few months after he left office. —Moderate

In this cruel world that we unfortunat­ely live in these days I just have to wonder why it is that there’s so many innocent animals that are loving and just waiting for a good home in shelters and in a few days if they’re not adopted they’re killed. But yet we pay for years and years for people who’ve murdered and committed horrific crimes and pave the way for them and they stay on death row forever. I don’t get it. This world is just not right. Where is the justice?

Chief Justice Roberts sided with the liberal justices to block Louisiana’s abortion law. Sixtyseven percent of Americans do not want Roe vs. Wade overturned and Chief Justice Roberts sees what the Republican­s are trying to do. If they want to overturn Roe vs. Wade then do it at the ballot box.

I was sorry to hear about Mosteller’s closing their store. We used to go to Mosteller’s when we lived in Spring City. That’s where he opened up his first store. It wasn’t in Phoenixvil­le. My family was friends with his family and Herbie Mosteller was one of the nicest persons there was. —Seafood Lover

Poor Donnie, he’s upset about the Democrats investigat­ing all his transgress­ions. The Clintons have been investigat­ed for the last 25 years. Zero conviction­s and a whole lot of money wasted by the Republican­s. Obama was investigat­ed too, again no conviction­s. It will be different this time. #convicted. —Lefty I read Clayton Leister’s letter in Readers Views on Friday that it was God’s will that Donald Trump become our president. All I can say is God must really be angry for him to want to punish us this way.

This is to the senior that got $725 extra when you did your income tax. There’s millionair­es and billionair­es who got about 5,000 times that much. You just got a few peanuts and besides that did you ever think what it did to the deficit, $1 trillion? Think about that before you talk. Who’s going to pay for the deficit? Your grandkids, greatgrand­kids, great-great-grandkids. That’s how long it’s going to take to pay the deficit off. — Jay Miller

Sixty million U.S. dead people since 1973 when Roe vs. Wade began its reign of terror. They could have been someone’s husband, father, wife or mother. We will never know what else they could’ve been. Someone hated them so much as to not even give them a chance to prove their worth. — Info Depot Why was a comedian on “America’s Got Talent Champion Show” allowed to say that he wanted to date white women to give them black babies? Isn’t that insensitiv­e, racist and against the #MeToo?

I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer. I’ve been a Democrat for almost 50 years. I’ve voted Republican in certain elections including the presidenti­al election. I don’t agree with the Democrats all the time. I might not be the sharpest knife but I do know the president who calls himself a Republican is an embarrassm­ent to the Republican Party and an extreme danger to our country. — Jimmy Vod

Sound Off is a forum to spur dialogue from residents of the communitie­s we serve on topics of interest in those communitie­s. Fair game are comments that raise issues of note or amplify ongoing debates. We will not publish comments that are potentiall­y libelous, slanderous, mean-spirited, vulgar or inappropri­ate. Publicatio­ns of Sound Off comments are at the sole discretion of the publisher.

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