The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

Read what friends and neighbors have to say

- Sound Off is a forum to spur dialogue from residents of the communitie­s we serve on topics of interest in those communitie­s. Fair game are comments that raise issues of note or amplify ongoing debates. We will not publish comments that are potentiall­y lib

Take a look at what friends and neighbors are saying about local hot topics and join in on the conversati­on.

My friend’s dog was struck and killed the other night on Farmington Avenue. The driver did not stop. The accident was heard but not seen. I don’t understand how somebody can perform such a callous act and just keep on going and not have a guilty conscience. They could have stopped and informed the owner. They would not be arrested; there are leash laws. If you were drinking, yes, then you would be found guilty of some type of crime and arrested.

When I hear a Democrat or a biased TV announcer talk about gun violence I wonder how this person got so far with so little education. Guns like knives, hammers, cars and so forth are inanimate objects and incapable of violence in any way. Only people commit violence, so let’s call it what it really is and that is criminal violence regardless of what kind of object is used. —Keep America Free

Vote Democrat if you like to be taxed. Montgomery County Community College tax — Democrats. The $25 on your vehicle registrati­on — Democrats. The Democrats never met a tax they didn’t like.

Responding to the caller about the woman murdered in California by the illegal alien not only was it nine times that they refused to turn him over to ICE, he actually butchered this woman when he was done killing her. So as far as Lefty, Jay Miller and the Democrats you’re never going to connect to them. They want their sanctuary cities and future voters. That’s all it’s about. They’ll sell this country down the river just to keep control. That’s the way they are.

The concert at Royersford United Methodist Church on Friday night to benefit Project Outreach was a huge success. The concert was entertaini­ng and really enjoyable. There are two more concerts coming up for the same cause being held on April 5 and April 26. Why don’t you check them out and give to a good cause.

The “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” show at Boyertown West was wonderful last weekend. The kids were just great, and the people who sang did a wonderful job. Thank you again Boyertown West. —Janice Hull

How low can Trump get bringing things up on John McCain. The poor guy just passed away five months ago. Trump will never be half the man McCain was. Trump never fought for his country while McCain is an American hero. He says everybody is crazy. He is the one who is crazy. Just think about how high the crime and killings are since Trump’s been in office. He has a foul mouth and he likes violence. He will never be anybody’s hero.

White nationalis­m here and around the globe is the true national emergency yet Trump refuses to use the terms white nationalis­m or terrorism when he condemns attacks in New Zealand or elsewhere. I’m sure he saw some good in Brenton Harrison just as he saw some good in the attackers in Charlottes­ville. —Lord Liv

Does anyone know what happened to Ken at Record World? His store has been closed for awhile. I know both of his parents passed away. His store was catercorne­red from The Mercury.

I want to congratula­te Rory McIlroy on winning the Players Championsh­ip Golf Tournament over the weekend. Hey Tiger, I love that double bogey you had on Friday, two shots both in the water on the same hole. Some say you’re back, yeah way, way back.

I would like to thank all the Limerick Township supervisor­s for allowing all the apartment buildings, all the town houses and all the regular houses in 2020. My taxes will probably double because of schools and highways. Thank you again. —Night Light

I read the commentary by Rep. Madeleine Dean about gun laws but there again she voted down the law that was going to report illegals to ICE if they tried to purchase a firearm. I guess she’s looking, like Rep. Houlahan, at future votes.

Lady Di, if you were to open your eyes and ears you would find that the hater-in-chief in the U.S. is none other than Donald Trump who experts agree is clearly a racial bigot and has encouraged white nationalis­m. The number of hate crimes has increased dramatical­ly since the start of his campaign. —One Who Listens

Is there such a thing as a business that will sell your things for you on the internet? I don’t have access to one and I have a lot of things to sell. If there is, do you know the phone number and how it works?

Just wondering if Phoenixvil­le or Pottstown have any kind of dancing such as jitterbugg­ing or slow dancing in the area?

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