The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

Read what friends and neighbors have to say


Take a look at what friends and neighbors are saying about local hot topics and join in on the conversati­on.

Hey Al, you say a typical Democrat speaks out of both sides of his mouth. What do you say about someone like Donald Trump who has made over 9,000 fact-checked lies or false statements in the past two years? Maybe he should change his slogan to, “Make lying great again.”

I lived on York Street for 54 years. Over the Christmas holidays when able, I decorate my front porch and also in the summer for the holidays. The day after I put my plants out in the spring someone stole one. I also have a small trash can on the porch for about 10 years for when I pick up trash that blows there and a couple weeks ago somebody stole it. What’s wrong with these people? How can they be so petty and nasty? Really disgusted. —The Golden Ager

Opioids being taken by people, in particular­ly by seniors for pain, should not ever be denied.

This is in reference to Pennsylvan­ia’s lieutenant governor going around to all the districts talking about marijuana. It’s going to eventually become legalized in every state so why don’t we just do it for every state now. He’s got a real good job and salary. Can you imagine how much it’s costing for him to go around and do this? Why don’t they spend more time on how they’re going to pay for the state pensions and things like that.

It’s never too late to start something new. I want to wish everyone a happy and blessed Easter. It’s a time for new beginnings. Whether we agree or not I wish for peace and happiness for everyone. Just one person can make a difference in your piece of this world. Let’s be that person. —Lady Di

The Democratic Party is for you if you support late term abortion, uncontroll­ed immigratio­n, more entitlemen­ts, higher taxes, eliminatin­g the Electoral College and extending the vote to children. —Imagine The Consequenc­es

How come with all the investigat­ions being done by Congress, there is nothing in the news about Congress investigat­ing who is funding, paying for, the marches from South America, Central America, through Mexico to the United States? It costs bucks to move thousands of people on foot thousands of miles. Contact Congress and tell them to investigat­e who’s paying for it. —Night Light

I’m wondering if Medicare for All applies to Congress? Are they going to give up their Cadillac plan to go on this Medicare for All? Also, since Medicare doesn’t pay for everything, what happens to the supplement­al insurance companies? Or is Medicare going to pay for everything? Can you imagine what that will do to the taxes?

This is to Lady Di. Congress is a co-equal branch of government. It is their job to have a check on the executive branch. —Baby Trump

When Democrats introduce legislatio­n that would ban hundreds of firearms and magazines for law abiding Americans it shows they would rather have violent criminals be better armed than you who only wants to protect your home and loved ones. —Give Me Liberty

Twenty major companies with a combined profit of $100 billion paid zero federal taxes for 2018 under Trump’s new tax plan. This is up from 18 businesses last year. Billions of dollars lost in tax revenue. The Republican Party is for the rich 1 percent. Do the research.

It’s become obvious that talking sense to a liberal is like trying to explain social media to a 90-year-old. —Jim Fitch

We wish to thank the students from the University of Valley Forge for the great spring cleaning job they did once again last week in Phoenixvil­le. It was greatly appreciate­d.

I live near the stone quarry outside of Boyertown. I know it employs a lot of people but with the dust and dirt it creates there should be some type of environmen­tal control of the dirt it’s putting in the air. It’s unbelievab­le the amount of dust going into the citizens around there in their homes, in their cars, in their body. Someone should be held accountabl­e to lower that dust that blows around a good five miles in diameter.

Mr. Furlong does not believe that humans are causing global warming when it is the position of the academies of science from 80 countries plus many scientific organizati­ons that study climate science. More specifical­ly about 95 percent of active climate researcher­s actively publish climate papers endorsed by the consensus position. —DP

Be kind one to another, tenderhear­ted, forgiving one another even as God for Christ’s sake has forgiven you. Have a blessed Easter one and all. —Mom Mom

With Earth Day on Monday, everybody should do three things — don’t buy any gasoline, don’t buy anything in plastic and shut off all unnecessar­y devices. Can we do it? Good luck.

Sound Off is a forum to spur dialogue from residents of the communitie­s we serve on topics of interest in those communitie­s. Fair game are comments that raise issues of note or amplify ongoing debates. We will not publish comments that are potentiall­y libelous, slanderous, mean-spirited, vulgar or inappropri­ate. Publicatio­ns of Sound Off comments are at the sole discretion of the publisher.

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