The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

Read what friends and neighbors have to say

- Sound Off is a forum to spur dialogue from residents of the communitie­s we serve on topics of interest in those communitie­s. Fair game are comments that raise issues of note or amplify ongoing debates. We will not publish comments that are potentiall­y lib

Take a look at what friends and neighbors are saying about local hot topics and join in on the conversati­on.

As I sit here in yet another traffic jam on Route 422 trying to get home I’m pondering how many people have started and retired from PennDOT while working on Route 422. —Very Very Weary Wanderer

It’s amazing. The 98% of all shootings in major cities including Philadelph­ia, Norristown and Pottstown are committed due to drugs — drug traffickin­g, drug use, drug sales. The police know it and anybody with common sense knows it. Why does the news media hide it?

This is to all you Trump haters and his tariff plan. Do you realize the average Chinese worker makes $4,755 a year? Why do you think the American importers and American companies moved over there? They have made billions of dollars off of us, tax free at that. —JCS

To the person who asked will Pottstown ever come back? Maybe. but never the same as it was 40 years ago. Since this is a blue-collar town I think the powers that be when they say about what direction they want Pottstown to go they should be looking at getting at least one industry back into Pottstown.

Conservati­ves are not really pro life, it’s more like pro birth. They want you to be born so they can torture you the rest of your life. Insane gun laws, suppressin­g your right to vote, devaluing your education and electing Trump is what they do for the living. #crazy. —Lefty

I see Martha is speaking out about abortion. How about the pedophile priests that the church is hiding?

One caller asked why he or she should pay for a student to learn a musical instrument. Then I can ask, why should I pay for a student to learn a sport?

Some of you really need to read news articles all the way through. Pottstown’s new mobile parking app is just a convenienc­e. There will still be kiosks on site to pay that way if you so choose at least in the parking lots.

This is to the Montgomery County Commission­ers. At 7:10 a.m. on Tuesday, May 21, I did my civic duty and voted in the primary. You people did something and you’re setting us back 50 years. Get with it.

Douglass Township is struggling to let a corn maze come into the township but if they wanted to build a hundred homes on there they’d say to start tomorrow.

To the one asking about the rust in your toilet bowl, I was having trouble flushing my toilet and every time I would reach in the tank and push the float I would feel grit so I started putting CLR Remover in the tank every night before I went to bed; that way it would sit the longest and wouldn’t be in use. The tank is so clean of rust, it’s totally white like new so I imagine it would do the same for your bowl. Lots of luck. —The Golden Ager

I don’t like to leave political comments because I think there’s too many but I’m so tired of everybody saying that Trump’s a draft dodger. For one thing, I’m about his same age. There was a birthday lottery and his birthday was low on the lottery to go to Vietnam. So he never was called and because of that he never had to dodge anything. If it was me I wouldn’t want to go to Vietnam either. —Beverly

I’ve noticed that the only difference between the leftists in Sound Off when Barack was president and the leftists in Sound Off now that Trump is president is that they’re just simply more angry. —No Snake Oil

To the person who’s looking for a toilet bowl cleaner, try ZUD.

Donald Trump when he was campaignin­g in Pennsylvan­ia said that Joe Biden left you people. Yeah he left when he was 10-years-old and his mother and father moved to Delaware. What a con artist. —Jay Miller

A huge thank you to the Owen J. Roberts High School Jazz Band under the direction of Todd Mengel for playing at the Coventry Woods Festival on Sunday. It was a great day made even better by this amazing group of musicians. Please come back next year.

What’s this town coming to? First it was the 25 mph speed limit on every street, then those ridiculous bike lanes and now they’re adding a bike lane onto Hanover Street bridge, and the new parking restrictio­ns. You want people to come into town to shop but they need a smartphone to set up an app for parking. That’s the final nail in the coffin. Pottstown, rest in peace.

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