The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

Immigratio­n issue fuels our division


As usual, our leaders in Washington are getting a lot of attention for spending time arguing about our nation’s racial and ethnic divisions while doing nothing to bridge them.

President Donald Trump bears the brunt of the blame, starting with having invited four Democratic congresswo­men — Ayanna Pressley, a Chicago-born African-American; Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a Bronx, N.Y. native of Puerto Rican heritage; Rashida Tlaib, a Detroit-born daughter of Palestinia­n immigrants; and Ilhan Omar, a Somalian who came to the United States as a child — to “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi responded, saying the tweet showed that Trump’s “Make America Great Again” campaign theme “has always been about making America white again.”

This debate has descended into something all too common whenever the topic comes up in Washington: a political show that, far from producing good public policy, poisons the well and endangers any hope of bipartisan compromise on many issues, particular­ly immigratio­n.

While both parties have no doubt enjoyed a fundraisin­g bonanza from the recent exchange of invective, the voting public would no doubt equally reward positive action on the issues driving this dispute.

Whatever one thinks about Trump’s approach to immigratio­n, his 2016 win proved it’s an important issue to many Americans. And it’s difficult to defend Washington’s inaction on the issue.

According to the Pew Research Center, about two-thirds of the 10.5 million unauthoriz­ed immigrants in the U.S. in 2017 had been here more than 10 years, up from 41% in 2007. Pew’s research finds that unauthoriz­ed immigrants’ percentage of the labor pool has remained a roughly steady 5% through the Great Recession and the more recent period of low unemployme­nt.

These immigrants might be more accurately described as economical­ly welcomed guests than the illegal invaders portrayed by the president.

This is not an easy problem to fix, but charges of “amnesty” that have doomed past attempts to get people out of the shadows ignore the obvious fact that many of them are contributi­ng to our economy. We need them, and no amount of roundups, raids or other enforcemen­t efforts is going to send 10.5 million immigrants back to their nations of origin.

Facing the fact that the vast majority of the undocument­ed immigrants in our nation are otherwise law-abiding contributo­rs to our economy should lead to further fact-finding. And to policies aimed at moving our nation forward, both culturally and economical­ly.

Economical­ly, we need to figure out how many immigrants our economy needs, grant legal status to the law-abiding who are already here and offer sufficient work visas to permit migration back and forth to workers who keep our economy humming. To that end, Trump’s recent promise to use existing federal databases to count the number of non-citizens in the U.S. could be productive. And it could well undermine the president’s contention that “We’re full” and need no further immigratio­n.

On the cultural front, it would be nice to hear Trump acknowledg­e something President Ronald Reagan said in his farewell address: “We lead the world because, unique among nations, we draw our people, our strength, from every country and every corner of the world, and by doing so, we continuous­ly renew and enrich our nation.

“While other countries cling to the stale past, here in America we breathe life into dreams, we create the future, and the world follows us into tomorrow.

“Thanks to each wave of new arrivals to this land of opportunit­y, we’re a nation forever young, forever bursting with energy and new ideas, and always on the cutting edge, always leading the world to the next frontier.

“This quality is vital to our future as a nation. If we ever close the door to new Americans, our leadership in the world would soon be lost.”

Reagan was right. A majority of Americans welcome newcomers. They want them to follow the rules and contribute. The best immigratio­n reform would both acknowledg­e the contributi­on of those now sometimes called “illegal” and make the rules match our need for them, economical­ly and culturally.

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