The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

Help your children learn to love math before it’s too late

- Esther J. Cepeda Columnist

“I hate math!” As a fourth-grade math teacher, I hear this at least once daily. It’s like a dagger to the heart every single time.

I have been hearing this even more since math instructio­n has moved away from first instilling the basics of addition, subtractio­n, multiplica­tion and division (to some detriment, I believe) toward “problem solving” and abstracted versions of the simple equations that older generation­s practiced.

Long before the mantra of problem solving became gospel in education, it fed into the concept of what a 21st century “leader” should be able to accomplish. From there, the modern transforma­tional leader (usually of the tech or finance variety) injected the credo into the hiring process, a la the famed set of puzzles put forth to job applicants at Google.

Example: “How would you cut a rectangula­r cake into two equal pieces when a rectangula­r piece has already been cut out of it? The cut piece can be of any size and orientatio­n. You are only allowed to make one straight cut.”

This question requires an understand­ing of both mathematic­al and geometric equalities, as well as background knowledge of what a rectangula­r cake looks like. Seems like common sense stuff, but you’d be surprised how many people have trouble solving it.

(Make a diagonal cut through the center of the corner of the missing cake piece, by the way.)

The human resources trend of testing potential employees with puzzles, brain teasers and, in some cases, questions from the SAT test became standard practice at large organizati­ons circa 2015 — about the same time that K-12 public education changed its objective from “educating citizens” to getting students “college and career ready.”

It doesn’t have to be this way. Math ability is as intrinsica­lly available to everyone as breathing or eating.

Brain-science researcher­s at Johns Hopkins University recently observed that babies as young as 14 months old seem to recognize that counting is about the dimension of numbers. Young kids don’t generally understand the meanings of words like “two” and “three” until they hit preschool age. Writing in the journal Developmen­tal Science, the researcher­s concluded that counting “directs infants’ attention to numerical aspects of the world, showing that they recognize counting as numericall­y relevant years before acquiring the meanings of number words.”

This is not totally groundbrea­king work — it builds upon a body of research that has plumbed the depths of how much number sense humans are born with.

For instance, some infants can distinguis­h between images of 10 and 20 dots.

I’m no baby researcher, or math expert for that matter, but science also knows that nurture has at least as much influence on human developmen­t as nature.

The missing link between babies’ innate math skills and some elementary school students’ hatred of math (sometimes lasting a lifetime) could be as simple as how much their parents practiced number sense with them.

As the National Associatio­n for the Education of Young Children puts it, “From the moment they are born, babies begin to form ideas about math through everyday experience­s and, most important, through interactio­ns with trusted adults. Language — how we talk with infants and toddlers about math ideas like more, empty, and full — matters.”

Do this old math teacher a favor: If you’re anywhere near a baby or child, do some simple, positive, stress-free number talking with them, such as counting the stairs as you walk up or down.

And whatever you do, never, ever say you “hate” or aren’t “good at math.”

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