The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

Ex-lifer back on track for release amid old shopliftin­g case


A Pennsylvan­ia man who earned a reprieve from a life sentence only to be held on a long-ago shopliftin­g charge is back on track to be released.

David Sheppard’s case has become something of a political football in the debate over criminal justice reform.

Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf approved his clemency bid after a unanimous vote of the five-member state pardons board. But outgoing Delaware County District Attorney Katayoun Coleman, a Republican,

detained him hours before his release Friday on the decades-old shopliftin­g charge.

Sheppard spent another weekend in state prison before Coleman’s office declined to seek bail at a hearing Monday on the shopliftin­g charge, which involved several pairs of jeans taken from a now-defunct store, defense lawyer Max Orenstein said. The case will now be handled in January by a new prosecutor skeptical of pursuing the case.

Orenstein expects the 54-year-old Sheppard to be released to a half-way house by Tuesday.

Sheppard has served 27 years in prison for his role in a fatal 1992 robbery in Philadelph­ia that killed a beloved neighborho­od pharmacist.

Lt. Gov. John Fetterman considers Coleman’s interventi­on an attack on the state pardons board, which he leads.

“I would have a conversati­on with anyone about the merits of commutatio­n,” Fetterman said Monday. “But to invoke a 30-yearold shopliftin­g charge, it just diminishes the whole process.”

Coleman, in a statement Friday, aimed her criticism at the fact the victim’s family was not notified of the pardons board hearing this fall. A spokeswoma­n for Philadelph­ia’s district attorney said they reached out to the family after they realized they were not registered as victim contacts. Fetterman said he apologized to them in person Monday at the Delaware County courthouse.

Coleman’s office voicemail was not taking new messages Monday, and her office did not immediatel­y return an email message seeking comment.

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