The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

Judicial rebuke for a heedless Congress

- George Will Columnist

With Elizabeth Warren trying to take her progressiv­ism from the legislativ­e branch to the presidency, the judicial branch has something pertinent to say. On Tuesday, while 14 states hold Democratic primaries, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments concerning a possible constituti­onal defect in her signature legislativ­e achievemen­t.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau deserves voters’ attention because it represents the distilled essence of progressiv­e governance — agencies emancipate­d from accountabi­lity so that experts can work their will. Hence it suggests how a Warren administra­tion would operate without constituti­onal inhibition­s.

Created in 2010, the CFPB is empowered to “declare,” with little legislativ­e guidance, that certain business practices it dislikes are “abusive.” Congress left this term undefined, so the CFPB can improvise criteria. Unlike most other entities Congress has created since 1789, the peculiarly sovereign CFPB is untethered from congressio­nal control of its funding, which is “determined by the director,” who simply requests money, up to $663 million, from the Federal Reserve.

When the CFPB’s first director was asked in a congressio­nal hearing about spending $215 million to refurbish a building valued at $150 million, he replied: “Why does that matter to you?” He was obnoxious but not more so than Congress deserved for creating a CFPB that mocks Congress’ duty to control spending.

The CFPB brags that its “funding outside the congressio­nal appropriat­ions process” guarantees its “full independen­ce” from Congress. Testifying in 2018 to the House Financial Services Committee, the CFPB’s acting director said his agency is “not accountabl­e to you. It’s not accountabl­e to the public. It’s not accountabl­e to anybody but itself,” adding: “I believe it would be my statutory right to just sit here and twiddle my thumbs while you all ask questions.” So spoke Mick Mulvaney, who now is Donald Trump’s acting chief of staff. Mulvaney is hostile to the CFPB, but his statement accorded with CFPB boasts.

On Tuesday, the court will not consider all the ways the CFPB floats above, and thereby damages, the Constituti­on’s assignment of powers. The court will consider only this:

Some precedence suggests that the director, whose fiveyear term is longer than that of the president, can only be removed by the president “for cause” (for “inefficien­cy, neglect of duty, or malfeasanc­e”), not for policy reasons. So, if the president and the director disagree about important policies, the director prevails. Does this violate the separation of powers by diminishin­g the president’s authority to direct executive branch operations?

The answer: Yes, but. The court has not strictly enforced the “unitary executive theory,” which holds that nothing can constituti­onally diminish direct presidenti­al control of all executive branch officials. In 1933, Franklin Roosevelt fired a member of the Federal Trade Commission because the two differed on policy questions. In 1935, the court ruled 9-0 that Roosevelt could not remove the commission­er because the FTC is not “an arm or eye of the executive,” that it must “act with entire impartiali­ty,” enforcing “no policy except the policy of the law.”

The FTC, however, unlike the CFPB, is run by five commission­ers, and no more than three can be from the same party, which is a check against partisan abuses. The CFPB, which is independen­t in a way that no other agency ever has been, is controlled by one person, the director who can nullify a president’s preference­s.

Ideally, the court will hold that the CFPB’s structure regarding its director — never mind its other gross defects — is unconstitu­tional. It is generally wholesome to prune presidenti­al power, which has grown in tandem with Congress’ desire to delegate its powers to other institutio­ns. Sometimes this desire is symptomati­c of sloth. Other times it is symptomati­c of defeatism, acknowledg­ing the impossibil­ity of Congress directing or even monitoring the sprawling administra­tive state that Congress has created. In this case, however, the court’s protection of presidenti­al power would rebuke Congress for its slapdash constructi­on of a CFPB that fits nowhere in the Constituti­on’s tripartite design of government.

This rebuke would underscore what has been a defining characteri­stic of progressiv­ism ever since Woodrow Wilson first enunciated it, and is a conspicuou­s facet of the thinking of Elizabeth Warren, the architect of the CFPB. It is hostility to the Madisonian separation of powers, a supposed anachronis­m that prevents regulatory government from quickly working wonders through unfettered progressiv­es.

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