The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

It’s up to us to respond to hospitals’ emergency

Now is the time for all of us to be part of the solution. And if you are able, lend a hand or crucial supplies.

- Marc A. Thiessen Columnist

For the first time in history, the U.S. government is intentiona­lly putting the American economy into a recession — requiring businesses to stop operating and workers to stay home, to stop the spread of the deadly novel coronaviru­s. This has never been done before, and the stakes are incredibly high. If we act quickly to keep businesses afloat and workers employed, there is a strong chance we can create a “V-shaped” recession — a steep, rapid decline, followed by an equally steep, rapid recovery once the danger from the virus has been mitigated. But if we delay, and millions of businesses go under, we may enter not just a recession but a full-fledged depression.

But at this critical moment, when Americans needed their leaders in Congress to rise above their difference­s and work together to save the country, Democrats decided to take the American economy hostage by blocking a $1.8 trillion bipartisan emergency relief bill.

Only a few days ago, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, DN.Y., was expressing his “delight and surprise” at the bipartisan cooperatio­n in crafting the bill. He was right. Conservati­ves who abhor government interventi­on in the economy came together with Democrats to support the largest interventi­on in U.S. history. They agreed to provide direct cash payments to Americans of up to $2,400 per couple and $500 per child. They embraced a bipartisan plan by Sens. Ben Cardin, D-Md., Marco Rubio, R-Fla., and Susan Collins, R-Maine, to provide more than $350 billion to small- and medium-sized businesses to cover payroll and rent, via loans that would be forgiven if the businesses don’t lay off workers. They backed a $250 billion expansion of unemployme­nt insurance — which includes $600 a week more than a state normally pays each person — advocated by Democrats.

They created a $500 billion “Exchange Stabilizat­ion Fund” — including $425 billion in loans and loan guarantees to be administer­ed by the Federal Reserve — for businesses, states or municipali­ties hit hardest by the economic lockdown, money the Fed could leverage to inject as much as $4 trillion of liquidity into our struggling economy. And they agreed with Democrats to prohibit stock buybacks by any company that receives loans.

The Senate appeared ready to pass this vital legislatio­n Sunday — until suddenly Democrats balked. They attacked the stabilizat­ion program as a “slush fund” and started to issue demands that the relief bill include a host of leftwing priorities that had nothing to do with the coronaviru­s.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi introduced competing legislatio­n that included elements of Democrats’ Green New Deal, including a requiremen­t that airlines fully offset their carbon emissions and list their greenhouse gas emissions from every flight. With the backing of the Democrats’ presumptiv­e nominee Joe Biden, Democrats have also demanded that any relief bill include a minimum of $10,000 per person in forgivenes­s for federal student loans, despite the fact that President Donald Trump already waived interest on those loans for 60 days starting March 13 and gave student borrowers the option to request a 60-day forbearanc­e on repayments.

Little or none of this is likely to become law. At this writing, Senate leaders are reportedly close to an agreement that will include tweaks to the legislatio­n, such as a few extra weeks of enhanced unemployme­nt payments, more money for hospitals, and tighter controls and oversight on the Exchange Stabilizat­ion Fund. But if those had been the extent of the Democrats’ demands, a deal could have been worked out Sunday night.

Instead, Democrats needlessly delayed the delivery of this emergency aid while American workers were losing their jobs and businesses teetered on the brink of bankruptcy. Americans will not forget that, at a critical juncture, Democrats tried to use the coronaviru­s pandemic as leverage to ram through a laundry list of leftwing agenda items. It will go down as one of the most shameful displays of partisansh­ip in American history.

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