The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

Celebratin­g Passover a challenge this year

Stay-at-home orders won’t keep Jews from observing Seder, but friends and family could be left out.


The heart of the Seder, the ceremonial meal that kicks off the annual Jewish celebratio­n of Passover, begins with a question: Why is this night different from all other nights?

As this year’s observance begins tonight, the question could just as easily be: How is this Passover different from all other Passovers?

Yes, the COVID-19 pandemic is having an impact on this holiday celebratio­n just as it is on Christian Holy Week activities and as it will on the upcoming Muslim observance of Ramadan.

Passover commemorat­es the exodus of the Jewish slaves from Egypt as recorded in the Bible. It’s fascinatin­g to examine that story and the Passover traditions that go with it in the context of our current situation.

The good news is that Seders traditiona­lly are held in people’s homes. So rules barring people from gathering at houses of worship won’t necessaril­y keep Jews from observing the most popular ritual of the holiday.

The bad news is that families who hold Seders typically invite plenty of relatives and friends to take part. Having guests is a tradition spelled out plainly in the evening’s liturgy: “Let all who are hungry come and eat.” Many families invite non-Jewish friends to participat­e, since the story has powerful meaning to Christians and Jews alike, and there are strong theologica­l connection­s between Passover and the Easter season. But of course this year large gatherings at home are a no-no.

Neverthele­ss, Seders will go on, and participan­ts will have plenty to ponder. They will be recounting the plagues that beset Egypt even as they live in a world experienci­ng a plague right now.

The name of the holiday refers to the biblical plague in which the first-born sons of Egypt were killed, but the angel of death passed over the homes of Jews and spared them from that punishment. This year Jews will commemorat­e the holiday while huddled in their own homes in hopes of being spared and sparing others from illness.

One particular­ly challengin­g aspect of this year’s observance is that Passover is a celebratio­n of freedom, but at the moment people are not feeling nearly as free as they usually do in this nation and others that cherish liberty. That’s for good reason, of course. Public health is at stake, and the restrictio­ns in place now will not last forever.

Having to do without certain things can even enhance one’s understand­ing of the holiday. Seder participan­ts are instructed to regard themselves as if they personally had been freed from slavery in the exodus. The hardships we are living through now, trivial compared with what the ancient Israelites and other Jews of the past had to endure, should make people that much more grateful for the gifts they have enjoyed and hopefully will again in the not-too-distant future.

Even if we can’t gather in groups, it’s crucial that people of different religions continue the common contempora­ry practice of interfaith outreach during this season of tremendous­ly important holidays. Each of us can still learn from the other, regardless of whether or not we’re in the same room.

With the coronaviru­s dominating the news, it might be easy to forget that religious intoleranc­e has been growing here and around the world in recent years. For the first time in generation­s, many American Jews no longer feel secure in their houses of worship or expressing their faith publicly. It is up to all people of goodwill to turn the tide and ensure that Jews and other religious minorities feel welcome in their communitie­s.

To do otherwise is to dismiss the valuable lessons of history so devastatin­gly and succinctly described in the Haggadah, the Seder prayer book: “In each and every generation they rise up against us to destroy us. And the Holy One, blessed be he, rescues us from their hands.” Indeed, to fight intoleranc­e is to do God’s work.

As this most unusual Passover celebratio­n begins, let us pray for better times ahead not just in terms of surviving this pandemic, but with determinat­ion to heal the world in the months and years to come.

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