The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

Spot of T- Comfort Food

- By Terry Alburger Life Engagement Coordinato­r, Brittany Pointe Estates

Comfort food. The words inspire feelings of reassuranc­e and well-being. We each have our own idea of what foods we consider “comfort foods.” For me, images of a large bowl of macaroni and cheese immediatel­y enter my mind. A local restaurant has a “quintuple grilled cheese.” That is near the top of my comfort food list as well. And I would venture to say that chocolate appears on most people’s list of foods to reach for in tough times.

Tough times. I am at a loss to think of any time during my lifetime that was tougher than the one in which we are currently living. The situation goes from bad to worse each day, and we feel powerless against it. The enemy is invisible and that makes it even scarier. If ever there was a time to reach for guilt-free comfort food, this is it.

Comfort food isn’t just physical. What about comfort food for the soul? What feeds your feelings of well-being and defense against your fears? Normally, we have our circle of friends and family that we fall back on, but now, this invisible foe has managed to take even those away. So, what can we do? Give up? I don’t think so!

When the going gets tough, it is time for us to get tougher. We are all swimming in the same unpreceden­ted turbulent waters of fear and uncertaint­y. But we are not swimming alone. Each of us is in the same situation. And each of us must do our part to throw that proverbial life preserver to our fellow human beings. Offer them a shred of “comfort food” of hope. Reach out to friends, family, anyone you know who may need a word of encouragem­ent. With social media and technology, there are so many ways to stay in touch. Social distancing does not have to mean social isolation.

Remember to go easy on yourself and go easy on those in your world. Judgment should be tossed out the window, and that includes selfjudgme­nt. Last weekend, I had intended to get some things accomplish­ed. With one thing and another, it just didn’t happen. I started to feel bad about it, like I had somehow wasted my weekend. But as it turns out, I did exactly what I needed to do. I decompress­ed. I rested. I shut down for a little while. My “comfort food” for the weekend was reruns of some of my favorite TV shows. As I thought about it some more, I decided to give myself a well-needed break and let it go.

So, what in your world would you consider comfort food for your soul? What brings you joy, or has in the past? This just might be the time to pick up old hobbies and pastimes that previously made you happy. Sewing, knitting, exercising, music, reading, painting… what is something that you used to love to do, but in past years have decided that you just didn’t have the time? Well, you now have the time. Why not pick one or two back up? I recently started crocheting. No, it is not something I had ever done before, but I am enjoying it.

I submit to you that this mandated downtime can be put to good use. Keep your mind occupied with new pursuits, good books, creative projects or anything else you can find to keep busy at home. Limit time spent listening to the news reports. Try to find the beauty around you. It’s there, I promise. Go for a walk, sit outside, watch the sun go down. And stay in touch from afar with your loved ones. Just think – absence makes the heart grow fonder. One day, hopefully in the not-too-distant future, we will have some of the greatest reunions of all time.

Stay well. Keep your chins up. You are not alone. We are in this together. As my dad used to say, “Sursum corda” (Lift up your hearts).

About Brittany Pointe Estates

Brittany Pointe Estates is a gracious Lansdale retirement community that reflects the charm of the region of France for which it is named. Situated in northern Montgomery County, residents of Brittany Pointe Estates senior living community enjoy an abundance of shopping opportunit­ies, cultural offerings, theaters, gourmet restaurant­s, and beautiful parks that are nearby. Many of the nation’s top hospitals and health care providers are less than an hour away in Center City Philadelph­ia and the surroundin­g areas. It is located at 1001 S. Valley Forge Road, Lansdale, PA 19446 and you can call 267-657-3106 for informatio­n.

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