The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

Welcoming political converts


Those who genuinely embrace a creed or hold passionate­ly to a point of view are, in principle, always looking for converts.

Yet the old believers are often suspicious of the new arrivals.

Sometimes, the converts are annoyingly rigid and sectarian. This can bother those long comfortabl­e in their faith and who are thus at ease with pluralism. But there is also the opposite fear: that the new allies haven’t really changed their thinking and are only trying to sow heretical notions among the orthodox.

It is the second anxiety that animates an unease among some progressiv­es about antiTrump Republican­s and conservati­ves. This has fostered a limited but vocal backlash against the idea that John Kasich, the former Republican former Ohio governor, might address the scaled-back Democratic National Convention on behalf of presumptiv­e nominee Joe Biden.

The easy answer to this apprehensi­on is to say that if you believe (as I certainly do) that defeating President Donald Trump is the prerequisi­te for anything good happening again in American politics, you should welcome everyone who pitches in to get the job done. And in light of Trump’s threats to challenge the results if he loses, the health of our democracy may depend on Biden’s winning by a landslide that would leave not a smidgen of doubt about what the voters were saying. This is an allhands-on-deck propositio­n.

But let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves: If the race tightens, the Republican converts could be essential to getting Biden over the line.

Finally, for a progressiv­e program to have any chance in Congress, the Democrats will have to take over the Senate. The bigger Biden’s margin, the better the chances of this happening.

I share the deep frustratio­n of the convert-skeptics with a Republican Party that in the past used some of the very themes that propelled Trump to power (on immigratio­n and race especially) to win majorities on behalf of a corporate agenda — and to pack the courts with conservati­ves who will continue to foil progressiv­e advances on voting rights, political reform and economic regulation.

To these progressiv­es, I’d argue that the point of this election, besides defeating Trump, is to shift the country’s political dynamic as decisively in their direction as Ronald Reagan did toward conservati­ves in 1980. And doing so requires not only welcoming new partners, but also nurturing their second thoughts about a conservati­ve project to which many of them dedicated their lives.

As a practical matter, Reagan won because a majority of the electorate was upset over the state of the economy and frustrated by the ongoing Iranian hostage crisis. But he pulled politics and the intellectu­al center of gravity to the right by splitting the old New Deal alignment. Neo-conservati­ves, after all, were disillusio­ned liberal intellectu­als, and Reagan

Democrats, as the phrase itself suggests, were once supporters of FDR and JFK.

Now, a similar opportunit­y beckons the left and center-left.

Yes, some Biden Republican­s just want to beat Trump and then get back to business as usual. (I still welcome their votes and appreciate their moral revulsion over what my Washington Post colleague George F. Will recently called a “gangster regime.”)

But others are angry at the entire GOP. They are willing to acknowledg­e, in the wake of the Trump follies and the pandemic, that endless rounds of tax cuts for the wealthy and knee-jerk deregulati­on have damaged our society. Many of them accept that we need a new and far more equitable social contract. See, for example, the rebellious libertaria­ns at the Niskanen Center.

In 2013, Kasich broke with Republican­s in his legislatur­e to fight for the Medicaid expansion under Obamacare. He argued that a person would ultimately be judged by “what you did for the poor.” A devout Christian, he didn’t talk much about his faith when he campaigned for president in 2016 because, he explained, he didn’t want to “cheapen the brand of God.” Would that more of Trump’s religious apologists pondered this.

That Trump and Trumpism create a national emergency is reason enough to pitch a very big tent. But this election could also open the way for a durable shift in the nation’s dominant public philosophy toward social decency and greater equality. A transforma­tion of that sort requires the witness of converts.

 ??  ?? EJ Dionne Columnist
EJ Dionne Columnist

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