The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

‘Come home, America’ 2.0


The coronaviru­s has reminded Americans of something that a mature people should not need to be reminded of: Government­s do not get to pick their priorities and preoccupat­ions. Forces and events beyond U.S. shores get a vote, and they might test a Biden administra­tion early and gravely.

Russia is ramshackle and declining: In a 2019 survey, 53% of Russians ages 18 to 24 said they wanted to emigrate. Neverthele­ss, Russia is revising the map of Europe by dismemberi­ng its geographic­ally largest nation, Ukraine.

In her book “Atomic Spy: The Dark Lives of Klaus Fuchs,” Nancy Thorndike Greenspan notes that when Fuchs, the scientist who spied for Russia, with huge consequenc­es, from within the Manhattan Project, died in East Germany in 1988, no senior Soviet official attended his funeral. But a 35-year-old KGB official stationed in Dresden did: Vladimir Putin’s durable anti-Western grudge pre-dates the events that, a year after the Fuchs funeral, began Russia’s radical diminution.

Chinese President Xi Jinping, convinced that the United States is much diminished, seems impatient not merely to “Finlandize” Taiwan — to make it compliant, as the Soviet Union attempted to make Finland — but to subject the “renegade province” to Beijing’s intensifyi­ng totalitari­anism. Would a Biden or Trump administra­tion be preferable if, in 2021, China, whose increasing truculence is displayed from the South China Sea to the Himalayan border with India, seized one of Taiwan’s nearby islands?

In Germany, which has the world’s fourth-largest national economy, a survey was released in May on whether the United States or China is Germany’s most important partner: Thirty-seven percent said the United States, 36% said China.

The same organizati­on’s September 2019 poll had shown a 27-point U.S. advantage. Among Germans ages 18 to 34, China was preferred in May by 46% to 35%.

The organizati­on says the precipitou­s decline of respect for the United States largely pre-dated the stumbling U.S. response to the pandemic.

In an April poll asking Italians whether they prefer close ties with China or with the United States, China was preferred, 36% to 30%. European shifts toward China have occurred during abundant news reports about China’s concentrat­ion camps facilitati­ng cultural genocide against more than 1 million Uighurs.

A May survey in Britain showed that only 28% trust the United States to act responsibl­y in the world, a 13-point decline since January.

Consigning U.S. foreign policy to a historical­ly illiterate, uninformed, erratic and impulsive person has consequenc­es.

President Donald Trump, like the coronaviru­s, has been an accelerant of some trends that preexisted the eruption of him and it into global dynamics. But what the Economist calls

Trump’s “toe-curling” obsequious­ness toward Xi (the “greatest leader in Chinese history”) has been unhelpful.

Retired Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster, who for 13 months was Trump’s national security adviser, worries that “the overoptimi­sm that animated U.S. foreign policy in the 1990s” produced disappoint­ment that has become a “retrenchme­nt syndrome” and recapitula­tes the “come home, America” impulse during the nation’s Vietnam agony.

Robert D. Kaplan of Eurasia Group observes: “Undeniably, our post-Cold War presidents have been dramatical­ly inferior to our Cold War presidents” — Harry Truman through George H.W. Bush — “in terms of thinking strategica­lly about foreign affairs.”

A nation that nurtures elites that are at best ambivalent about their nation will not have sufficient confidence to inspire, or deserve, the confidence of other nations.

Victoria Nuland, former assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs, recalls George Kennan’s 1946 “Long Telegram,” in which he said that in opposing the thenemergi­ng Soviet threat “much depends on [the] health and vigor of our own society.” Nuland adds, “The first order of business is to restore the unity and confidence of U.S. alliances in Europe and Asia.”

Voters’ principal considerat­ion this year should be which presidenti­al candidate is most apt to accomplish Nuland’s recommenda­tions.

Although life is full of close calls, this is not one.

 ??  ?? George Will Columnist
George Will Columnist

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