The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

Racial slur: An unacceptab­le foul

- Chris Freind Columnist

The NBA just handed both the Trump and Biden campaigns a golden issue, but it’s virtually guaranteed that neither will seize it. Joe Biden won’t because he is beholden to radical race baiters in the Democratic Party, and President Trump will likely pass because his campaign is, and has been, woefully off-message. Thus, a prime-time opportunit­y to connect with voters on both sides will go largely ignored.

The issue is an incident which occurred during an NBA playoff game between the Los Angeles Clippers and Dallas Mavericks, when L.A. forward Montrezl Harrell called the Mavs’ Luka Doncic a “b—— a— white boy.” The two had gotten tangled, and Harrell hit the floor. Later, after scoring over Doncic, Harrell yelled his slur. And no, it wasn’t muttered under his breath, but said clear as day for all to hear — and see on video.

Some are saying it’s not a big deal, justifying the racial comment as nothing more than trash talk in the heat of the moment. Completely wrong.

It’s not just the incident itself, but how it was handled — or, more accurately, not handled — by the Clippers and the League, and the nonchalant reaction by those who find no fault with what was said, that makes the issue so explosive.

Here’s a look at the doublestan­dards and staggering hypocrisy:

First, a ray of hope. Former NBA player and current ESPN analyst Jay Williams showed immense leadership by calling out Harrell on social media:

“I can only imagine if Luka

Doncic had said something like that to you (Harrell) and it got caught on tape. I can only imagine during Black Lives Matter how much of a big deal that would have been, considerin­g today’s climate and state. It would’ve been a massive story, and Luka would’ve lost all credibilit­y … everybody would’ve been commenting on it. People would’ve asked LeBron (James) about it … Everyone would’ve had some kind of statement about it.

“But it’s not that big of a story, because Trez said it to a caucasian person. It should be a big story, because that’s not acceptable.”

Thank you for your objectivit­y and courage, Mr. Williams.

But here’s an even bigger double standard. If Mr. Williams were White instead of Black, he would have undoubtedl­y been criticized — even crucified — by the radical fringe for his comments. He’d have been admonished to mind his own business (with denigratin­g slurs), called a bigot, and accused of invoking his “white privilege” in condemning Harrell. Additional­ly, he would likely have been suspended/terminated from his employment, and statements would have undoubtedl­y been issued condemning his comments as insensitiv­e and insulting, and that they did not reflect the (politicall­y correct) values of the network, basketball, the league, blah, blah blah, and that his commentary was contrary to making the game more inclusive and welcoming.

Not only have many NBA and/or Harrell fans turned a blind eye, but so too have people in influentia­l positions, such as CBS Sports’ commentato­r Doug Gottlieb, who tweeted, “Just so we are all aware, this is not racist, it is just basketball.

But, imagine how the world would handle any other race instead of White Boy.”

First, how can it not be construed as racist when Harrell, indisputab­ly, invoked race? Of course it’s a racist statement! To state otherwise is giving Harrell a free pass and ignoring the obvious.

Before the next game, Harrell “apologized” to Doncic, which, according to Harrell, is more than enough to end the controvers­y.

This author has long been a proponent of forgivenes­s and redemption, but seriously? In today’s America, many who do far less are impacted much more severely.

Even after multiple apologies, they are left out in the cold with tattered reputation­s. Yet in this case, we’re all supposed to just forget about the racial slur because Montrezl Harrell says so?

His much-to-be-desired tweet: “I approach(ed) him and cleared the air from all the outside nonsense that was being said. Nothing but respect for Luka… he understood the heat of the battle and he said it didn’t bother him, only RESPECT.”

We’re all human, and we all say things we don’t intend. But that doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be consequenc­es.

It’s not race relations that are destroying America, but double standards. The answer is equal treatment for all, special privilege for none.

Even though that isn’t happening, not all was lost. Doncic, despite being hobbled by a severely sprained ankle in Game Three, won the next game in historic fashion by nailing an impossibly-long three-pointer as time expired.

Hey Montrezl, remember something. Karma’s a b——.

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