The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

Biden’s sturdy resistance to China

- George Will

Beijing wasted no time in greeting the new U.S. administra­tion with an escalation of China’s high-risk obnoxiousn­ess. On the fourth day of Joe Biden’s presidency, Chinese fighter and bomber aircraft simulated an attack on the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier group as it sailed into the South China Sea.

The pugnacious 26th president for whom the carrier is named would have applauded several of the 46th president’s initial decisions regarding China. Biden got Beijing’s attention by inviting Taiwan’s representa­tive in Washington to attend the inaugurati­on, the first such invitation since U.S.-China relations were normalized in 1979. And Roosevelt, a naval power enthusiast, would have loved Biden’s sending of the carrier group. Later this year, a British carrier will participat­e in exercises in the region with the U.S. Navy. Allies matter.

Biden, who has promised “extreme competitio­n” with China, has an appropriat­e secretary of state. Antony Blinken’s first conversati­on, by telephone, with his Chinese counterpar­t, Yang Jiechi, was so sandpapery that Yang, according to the Chinese foreign ministry, blustered to Blinken, “No one can stop the great rejuvenati­on of the Chinese nation.” Nations prickly about their need for rejuvenati­on (“Deutschlan­d, erwache!” — “Germany, awake!” — was a Nazi mantra) betray a truculent sense of inferiorit­y. China today has much to feel inferior about.

Blinken’s predecesso­r as secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, formally designated as “genocide” Beijing’s treatment of more than 1 million Uighurs in concentrat­ion camps. Pompeo thereby made national policy of a judgment that candidate Biden voiced in August 2020, and that Blinken affirmed during his confirmati­on hearing.

Blinken’s warning to Yang that Washington would hold Beijing “accountabl­e for its abuses” occurred three days after a harrowing BBC report on gang rapes and torture (including electric prods inserted in vaginas and rectums) of Uighurs in rooms without surveillan­ce cameras, as well as forced sterilizat­ions, forcible implantati­ons of IUDs and denials of food to those who inaccurate­ly memorized passages from books praising President Xi Jinping.

The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide says the crime includes inflicting on a group “conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destructio­n in whole or in part” and “imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group.” Signatory nations are committed to imposing “effective penalties.”

These should begin with an immediate announceme­nt of a boycott of the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, whose current viciousnes­s is comparable to that of Germany at the time of the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin. And there should be at least public shaming of U.S. corporatio­ns which, while ostentatio­usly woke at home, seem not to think that Uighur lives matter. Let us identify corporatio­ns that import goods made with forced Uighur labor or export to China goods that could facilitate Beijing’s genocide.

Twenty percent of the world’s cotton comes from Xinjiang, the region of the genocide: How many U.S. clothing brands are using products of forced labor? The Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, which last year had 87 co-sponsors in the House and 33 in the Senate, would create a statutory presumptio­n that products from Xinjiang are produced by forced labor. Which U.S. corporatio­ns will lobby against this bill?

While China screws down the lid of tyranny on Hong Kong — making schools instrument­s of political indoctrina­tion; removing library books that “endanger national security” — Beijing continues to add to the (at least) 380 Uighur “re-education” camps. If U.S. transactio­ns — diplomatic and commercial — with China are unaffected by the finding of genocide, this will, in the words of Eugene Kontorovic­h of George Mason University’s Scalia Law School, “make a joke out of genocide.”

Primo Levi, an Auschwitz survivor, said: “It happened, therefore it can happen again.” U.S. policy now insists that genocide is happening in a nation tightly woven into the fabric of world commerce. China is crucial to globalizat­ion’s supply chains, but these chains are also crucial to China. They can be instrument­s of political leverage for the United States and other signatorie­s to the aforementi­oned convention who are committed to take measures to “prevent and to punish” genocide.

Americans’ preference regarding foreign policy is to have as little as possible. Presidents do not have that luxury. Biden is keeping his promise of sturdy resistance to China. But his difficult choices have just begun.

 ??  ?? George Will Columnist
George Will Columnist

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