The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)


- By Phillip Alder

This is St. George’s Day, commemorat­ing the patron saint of England who supposedly slew a dragon. He was declared the patron saint by King Edward III in the 14th century.

One of the most colourful(!) English bridge players and writers was Russian-born Victor Mollo. When a boy, he was having his appendix removed as the Russian Revolution started. His mother took him from the hospital as quickly as possible, bought a train and driver, and went to the Finnish border. After some time in Stockholm, they moved to London.

He used to write during the night — no telephone interrupti­ons — sleep in the morning, play rubber-bridge for money in the afternoon, go home for a gourmet dinner and fine wines with his wife, the Squirrel, and return to writing after midnight.

Mollo is famous for his animal characters. This deal is classic Mollo. In which contract would you (South) like to play, given that you can see all 52 cards?

When North bid five hearts, South signed off in six diamonds. But the Hideous Hog (East) said that he hadn’t passed. He doubled. South could do what he liked, but North was barred (as the law stood then). So South took a shot at seven clubs, the only makable grand slam! He had hoped for ace-doubleton in the dummy, but after a heart lead, declarer cashed the diamond ace, ruffed a diamond, played a heart to hand, drew trumps and claimed.

The Hog cried, “You should have led a trump, partner.” No good! The club ace, a heart to the king, three more rounds of trumps and three top diamonds squeeze West in the majors.

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