The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

Life after a pandemic may leave us with PPTSD

- By Terry Alburger

So here we are, emerging from a pandemic, and perhaps one of the most challengin­g times in our lives. It was a long, scary road, but we made it. So, let me ask you … how are you feeling?

Speaking for myself, this return to normalcy, as they are calling it, is slow going on a long and daunting road. While part of me wants to jump back into the life I knew pre-COVID, the rest of me says, “Slow down!” Step cautiously. And each step I do manage to take is a little personal victory. Does this sound familiar? If so, you are definitely not alone.

Though I am one of the vaccinated, I still believe in caution. My dad used to always say to face each day with “moderation, intelligen­ce and restraint.” It was his mantra, each of his kids and grandkids is well-versed in these words and their meaning thanks to my dad.

Though he couldn’t have foreseen this pandemic or its aftereffec­ts, his words resonate with me each day as I face new (and old) situations.


As I venture out again,

I am taking it slow. Yes, I am one of those who still wear a mask in stores and other places where I may come in close contact with others. It’s not required, but for some reason, it makes me feel a little safer. And I definitely limit my time in stores to a need-be basis.

The same goes for restaurant­s. Since things have opened up, I have been out for a meal twice. Both times were special occasions, and yes, I wore my mask while not eating. The wait staff also had masks, which made me feel safer.


This one is tougher than it sounds! Oftentimes I want to react with my emotions, my desires and wants. During the early days of the pandemic, I would have loved to have seen my grandchild­ren, or hung out with friends or had dinner out somewhere. But thinking it through, it was not the right thing to do.

Yes, I love going to the movies, but even before theaters closed, I did not go. Even now, I’m still leery. I will most definitely go back, but it might take me a little longer. Think it through. If the idea of jumping back into an activity scares you or makes you nervous, give yourself more time. It’s true that time heals (or at least improves) all wounds. But it takes awhile.


This one resonated every note with me. We were all stuck at home, and we were all going a bit stir-crazy, I’m sure. But as things open up, I truly try to use restraint in just how fast I get back into the swing of things.

During the pandemic, restraint took a bit of a vacation, as I dug into a pint of ice cream or ate a chocolate bar, not my usual M.O. to be sure. And, like many, I put on the “Pandemic 10,” a few extra pounds from the inactivity involved in quarantine combined with the emotional eating of which many of us partook. For myself, I am not the least bit concerned because we all did what we had to in order to get through that unpreceden­ted time.

It is interestin­g how old habits die hard. Wearing a mask, wearing gloves when I have to touch a public keypad, such as at a gas station or MAC machine, elevator, or grocery store — all things I still do. I avoid door handles wherever possible (Yes, I do have one of those silly

hooks for opening doors and pushing elevator buttons and keypads!) and I try to be very conscious of not being too close to others in crowds or public places.

The good news is, little by little, I’m coming around. If my new normal

is just a little more cautious than my old normal, is that a bad thing? I don’t think so. I have deemed my post-pandemic way of thinking PPTSD — Pandemic Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

None of us has ever

been in this situation before. Emerging from one of the most trying periods of our lives has us all a little shell shocked. Go easy on yourself. You are doing the absolute best that you can. We’ll all get through it all and emerge a little wiser, I think.

 ?? PIXABAY ?? As we emerge from the pandemic, many of us still feel more comfortabl­e wearing a mask even if it’s not required.
PIXABAY As we emerge from the pandemic, many of us still feel more comfortabl­e wearing a mask even if it’s not required.

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