The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

Pottstown’s butterfly guru


You don’t have to leave Pottstown to find miracles of nature.

Pottstown butterfly guru Ron Richael recently demonstrat­ed how to tag newly hatched Monarch butterflie­s (after their wings dry) at the Pottstown FARM market Sept. 4 at Smith Family Plaza. Spectators looked on in wonder as the Monarchs

flew off toward the Mexican mountains, more than 2,000 miles away.

Inspired by Richael’s demonstrat­ion, I visited the butterfly garden behind his home on West Beech Street.

Talk about an enchanted garden! The 2,500-square-foot garden, which Richael started planting in

1994, has more than 2,000 plants, including varieties grown especially to attract specific species of butterflie­s to drink their nectar and other varieties to serve as “hosts” where different kinds of butterflie­s lay their eggs. Each butterfly species has its own preference­s.

This year Richael has attracted 45 species of butterflie­s (a personal record) with almost two months left in the season.

Richael earned a sociology degree at Penn State, but butterflie­s have been his passion since he was growing up on a farm in Mercer County.

Thanks to 23,000 hours of research, including years of trial and error, Richael has determined which plants entice which butterflie­s. He has published a book on butterfly gardening to share his knowledge.

Richael’s garden not only attracts butterflie­s, it delights the human senses as well.

(More Thursday).

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 ??  ?? CHILDREN WATCH IN AWE as a Monarch butterfly lifts off from a boy’s palm at Smith Family Plaza Sept. 4 to begin a 2,000-mile trip to winter
hibernatio­n in the mountains of Mexico.
CHILDREN WATCH IN AWE as a Monarch butterfly lifts off from a boy’s palm at Smith Family Plaza Sept. 4 to begin a 2,000-mile trip to winter hibernatio­n in the mountains of Mexico.
 ?? Commentary by Thomas Hylton ??
Commentary by Thomas Hylton

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