The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

Pandemic play

- By FRANK STEWART Tribune Content Agency

The American Contract Bridge League, which administer­s most tournament bridge in North America, had to cope with COVID-19. Clubs closed and tournament­s were cancelled. To provide competitio­n, the ACBL has held events online, offering a welcome refuge for many players.

The downside is that cheating online is easy, and the ACBL has dealt with a host of cases, some involving name experts. Afraid of protracted and costly litigation, it adopted an expedient but distastefu­l policy of “negotiated resolution­s,” letting cheaters play after a too-brief suspension in return for an admission of guilt.

Players who dishonor the game and ruin the competitiv­e experience for others should be gone for good. Preserving the integrity of the competitio­n is foremost. I don’t want players, especially young players, seeing a convicted cheater at a tournament 18 months later. The message that sends is more than a little dangerous.

The ACBL publishes an excellent monthly magazine to which I have contribute­d for 40 years. Today’s deal comes from the inimitable Eddie Kantar, a contributo­r for 60 years. He asks how South should play at seven hearts when West leads the king of clubs.

Ruff in dummy, ruff a diamond,

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