The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

GOP reluctance in New Hampshire

- David Shribman

Nobody wants to run for the Senate as a Republican in New Hampshire.

Well, not exactly nobody. But nobody who isn’t, for want of a better term, a relative nobody.

That astonishin­g phenomenon is rendered all the more staggering when you consider that the incumbent, Maggie Hassan, is regarded as the most vulnerable Democrat in a Senate where, more than usual, every seat counts. If the Republican­s beat Sen. Hassan and a series of other dominos fall in the direction the polls suggest they will, the GOP will take possession of the Senate, one-party rule in Washington will end, Joe Biden’s nominees (including one who might be for the Supreme Court) will be endangered, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky will be Senate majority leader, the chairs of every committee will change and the rhythm of the Capitol will be altered substantia­lly.

In short, a big deal. But no big figure wants to take the big step to run for the office.

Gov. Chris Sununu, the most popular New Hampshire governor in years and one of the most popular governors of either party nationwide, this month stepped back from a Senate race. Less than a day later, former Sen. Kelly Ayotte, who has a residue of goodwill from Republican­s and Democrats alike, did the same. So did former Sen. Scott Brown of Massachuse­tts, now living in New Hampshire.

This Republican predicamen­t is all the more astounding in view of the historical profile of this state. While the Democrats have taken New Hampshire in the past five presidenti­al elections, the tint of this state’s politics is distinctly red, and the Republican bench has always been deep. In the case of New Hampshire, the past is not prologue.

For the 122 years between 1875 and 1997, the Republican domination of New Hampshire was so impenetrab­le that voters in this state sent only three Democrats to the governor’s office on the second floor of the state Capitol. For the 156 years between 1855 and 2011, 33 of New Hampshire’s 37 senators were Republican­s, a phenomenon even more dramatic when you consider that one of those GOP senators served for 27 years and another for 24.

With a tradition of conservati­sm that retains trace elements today, the failure of top GOP figures to take a race insiders believe they would win with ease suggests the presence of a broader factor.

Like everything else in American politics, the partial answer comes down to two words: Donald Trump.

Trump loyalists have taken an increasing­ly prominent place in the formal organizati­on of the New Hampshire GOP. But only a third of New Hampshire residents overall have a favorable opinion of Mr. Trump, according to the latest Granite State Poll conducted by the University of New Hampshire Survey Center.

The disconnect between traditiona­l Republican­s and Trump Republican­s, a feature of internal GOP struggles in many states, has significan­t implicatio­ns in several important political contests. In Wyoming, that struggle will determine the fate of Rep. Liz Cheney, whose apostasies include voting to impeach Mr. Trump and her presence as vice chair of the congressio­nal committee examining the origins of the January Capitol insurrecti­on.

“You have Trump people here who control the party, and regular conservati­ve Republican­s don’t want to try to appeal to them,” said Andrew Smith, director of the UNH Survey Center. “The Trumpistas may not be chasing people away but a lot of people don’t want to put up with them. There have been ugly incidents.”

The result is that the Republican­s are in the unhappy position of trying to persuade one or more of their congressio­nal candidates to take on the Senate race, or to nominate State Senate President Chuck Morse or Education Commission­er Frank Edelblut, or to consider retired Army Gen. Don Bolduc, who was passed over by Mr. Trump for an endorsemen­t when he aimed for the GOP Senate nomination in 2020 but who campaigned here recently.

“The Trump element in the party doesn’t have the status or capability to win the general election,” said Mr. Rath, a onetime member of the Republican National Committee. “Many people don’t want to have anything to do with them. The party now is full of true believers but there aren’t enough of them to win an election.”

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