The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

Here are 10 worst things Biden did as president in 2021

- Marc Thiessen

In my last column, I listed the 10 best things President Joe Biden did in his first year in office. Here are the 10 worst:

10. He canceled Operation Legend amid a record crime wave in U.S. cities. At least 12 major cities broke annual homicide records in 2021. Yet Biden ended the Trump Justice Department’s Operation Legend, which deployed federal officers to aid local law enforcemen­t and helped arrest more than 6,000 criminals.

9. He weaponized the FBI to intimidate parents who show up at school board meetings. Parents are furious about pandemic closures and schools indoctrina­ting their kids with extremist ideologies. Biden treated them like domestic terrorists.

8. In the midst of a historic labor shortage, he pushed vaccine mandates. Forcing employers with more than 100 employees to fire unvaccinat­ed workers — even if they have natural immunity from previous infection — or impose onerous weekly testing requiremen­ts would drive more Americans out of the labor force, at a time when businesses can’t find workers and there are more than 11 million unfilled jobs.

7. His war on fossil fuels drove domestic production down and gasoline prices through the roof. Then he begged the Organizati­on of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) — a foreign oil cartel — to produce more oil, which will result in the same emissions as domestical­ly produced oil. It’s like the 1970s all over again.

6. He greenlight­ed Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline to Germany. Then Biden inappropri­ately pressured Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to accept Russian energy dominance over his country. Democrats impeached President Donald Trump for far less.

5. He showed weakness in the face of Russian aggression against Ukraine. It’s no coincidenc­e that Russian President Vladimir Putin is threatenin­g Ukraine just months after Biden’s disastrous retreat from Afghanista­n and his capitulati­on on Nord Stream

4. He unleashed the worst border crisis in U.S. history. U.S. Customs and Border Protection reported more than 1.7 million encounters with illegal migrants at the southern border, nearly four times the number the year before, the highest annual total on record — including 378,000 who were not from Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador or Guatemala.

3. His $1.9 trillion in social spending disguised as “COVID-19 relief” helped unleash inflation and extreme labor shortages. This was the worst fiscal policy mistake in decades, passed with Democratic votes alone. And despite all that “COVID” spending, shortages of test kits and treatments persisted as the omicron variant arrived.

2. He failed to deliver on his promise to put his “whole soul” into uniting the country. Biden threatened to veto his own bipartisan infrastruc­ture bill, then went to Capitol Hill and urged members of his own party to take it hostage as leverage to pass Build Back Better. He failed to pass any other major pieces of bipartisan legislatio­n, allowing himself to be captured by his party’s radical left wing.

1. His withdrawal from Afghanista­n was the most shameful foreign policy calamity in my lifetime. Biden left hundreds of U.S. citizens and as many as 62,000 of our Afghan allies behind enemy lines, and forced NATO allies to abandon their citizens and allies as well. He put the safety of U.S. service members at the Kabul airport in the hands of the Taliban and Haqqani network, a decision that led to the deaths of 13 Americans in a suicide attack. His “over the horizon” drone strike killed no terrorists but took the lives of 10 innocent people. And he repeatedly lied about the unfolding disaster — declaring that al-Qaida was “gone” from Afghanista­n; that no Americans were having trouble getting to the airport; that no allies were questionin­g the United States’ credibilit­y; that none of his military advisers had recommende­d leaving a residual force; and that his Afghan debacle was an “extraordin­ary success.”

Little wonder that Biden suffered the fastest collapse in public approval of any president in modern history. When he took office, he had almost 56% approval and was 20 points above water. Today, he’s more than 10 points underwater. No recent president has fallen from grace so far, so early in his presidency.

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