The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)

Hyperparat­hyroidism should be regularly monitored

- Anthony Komaroff Ask Dr. K Dr. Komaroff is a physician at Harvard Medical School. To send questions, go to Ask Doctor, or write: Ask Doctor K, 10 Shattuck St., Second Floor, Boston, 02115.

DEARDOCTOR­K» A recent blood test showed that the calcium level in my blood is high. My levels of something called “PTH” are also high. Now my doctor has scheduled a parathyroi­d scan. Why? What does calcium have to do with the parathyroi­d? DEARREADER» You have four parathyroi­d glands. These pea-sized glands sit on your thyroid gland, in the lower part of your neck. (I’ve put an illustrati­on of the parathyroi­d glands on my website, askdoctork. com.)

A hormone is a chemical made in one organ that enters the blood, travels throughout the body and affects how different parts of the body work. The parathyroi­d glands produce the parathyroi­d hormone (PTH).

The job of the parathyroi­d glands is to adjust their production of PTH to keep calcium levels in your blood within a normal range. If the calcium level in your blood starts to drop, the parathyroi­d glands make more PTH. If calcium levels rise, the glands make less hormone.

How does PTH influence calcium levels? In three different ways. Lots of calcium is stored in your bones. PTH causes the bones to release calcium into the blood. PTH also stimulates the intestines to absorb more calcium from food. Finally, PTH signals the kidneys to withhold calcium from the urine.

Hyperparat­hyroidism (hi-per-par-a-THIGH-roydizm) occurs when one (or more) of the parathyroi­d glands becomes overactive and makes more PTH than it should. Excess hormone is released into the bloodstrea­m. The result is abnormally high levels of calcium and PTHin the blood.

If your hyperparat­hyroidism is mild, you might not need treatment. But you should have regular blood tests to measure your blood calcium level and make sure it’s not going higher. You will also need periodic bone density tests because PTH causes calcium to leak out of bones, which causes them to thin.

More severe hyperparat­hyroidism can cause bone pain and thin, brittle bones that are more easily fractured. Elevated levels of PTH and calcium can also trigger the formation of kidney stones and cause kidney damage, dehydratio­n and confusion.

The reason your doctor has ordered an imaging scan is to check for an enlarged parathyroi­d gland or a parathyroi­d tumor. Parathyroi­d cancer is extremely rare. A doctor may never see a single case despite practicing medicine for decades. I never have.

If your condition is severe enough, youmay need surgery to remove the affected parathyroi­d gland(s). If it’s less severe, your doctor may prescribe medication. Drugs used to treat hyperparat­hyroidism include hormone replacemen­t therapy and bisphospho­nates, both of which help bones retain calcium. Another type of drug mimics calcium in the body, in order to trick the parathyroi­d gland into releasing less PTH.

Fortunatel­y, many people with hyperparat­hyroidism have a mild condition that never becomes serious enough to require treatment. But it does require regular repeat testing to be sure it’s not getting worse.

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