The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)

President wanted; experience­d candidates need not apply

- By Leonid Bershidsky Leonid Bershidsky, a Bloomberg View contributo­r, is a Berlin-based writer.

With the first two nominating contests out of the way, each party’s field remains split along ideologica­l lines. But there also is a deep divide separating candidates who stress their governance experience and those who cast such a background as irrelevant or even a liability when it comes to fixing a “broken” or “rigged” system.

For Republican­s, the New Hampshire primary campaign was, to a large extent, about this choice. After a weak showing in Iowa, the three Republican governors, Ohio’s John Kasich, Jeb Bush, formerly of Florida, and New Jersey’s Chris Christie, did their best to push their executive experience as the main selling point. Kasich campaigned on his success in balancing Ohio’s budget, Bush stressed his “steady hand” in Florida and Christie his success in cleaning up New Jersey after Hurricane Sandy. Perhaps the most memorable moment of the campaign in New Hampshire was Christie’s goading of Sen. Marco Rubio during Saturday’s Republican debate: “You have not been involved in a consequent­ial decision where you had to be held accountabl­e. You just simply haven’t.”

All three did better in the Granite State than they did in Iowa. Now imagine if they were assembled into one synthetic “supercandi­date”: He would get almost as many votes as Donald Trump. In Iowa, the merged governors didn’t break the 10 percent mark, losing to Ben Carson.

Christie and former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina have dropped out of the race. Kasich and Bush may hope that their governance profession­alism will sell better as the marathon progresses. Kasich is building on his second-place finish Tuesday and deep-pocketed Bush wants to give the impression that he’s playing a patient long-term game.

On the Democratic side, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who also has campaigned on experience, should be chastened by her crushing loss to Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders in New Hampshire. I still haven’t met any takers for a straight bet against her winning the presidency, but, judging by the first two states’ results, there is a real possibilit­y that the 2016 election could unfold like the one in 2008, rewarding charisma and ideology rather than experience. Barack Obama isn’t in this year’s race, of course, but several eloquent candidates on both sides have plenty of populist appeal.

As in 2008, U.S. voters appear to be more susceptibl­e to passionate voices than to the notion of a “steady hand.” Mario Cuomo’s dictum about campaignin­g in poetry and governing in prose falls flat when faced with voters who don’t believe government works. Governance experience may actually be a disadvanta­ge under these circumstan­ces: Governors may tout their states’ achievemen­ts, but people don’t care about their specific successes because they believe that the whole system is flawed and that some kind of revolution — or at any rate sweeping change — is needed.

This is a bad year to be selling executive competence.

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