The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)

Connecticu­t’s U.S. Congressio­nal delegation says ‘nyet’ to Sanders

- Don Pesci Columnist Don Pesci is a writer who lives in Vernon. Email him at

All the members of Connecticu­t’s U.S. Congressio­nal Delegation, as well as the state’s progressiv­e Governor, are supporting former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for President rather than the amiable Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont. Mr. Sanders is the grandfathe­rly, flower-child socialist who recently buried Mrs. Clinton in the nation’s first New Hampshire Democratic Party primary: Sanders 59, Clinton 38, a real whopping.

Some argue that returns from both the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary are indicative rather than definitive. Mrs. Clinton, who has as many cat-lives as Achilles heels, is expected to survive the Sanders drubbing. Lady Clinton has oodles of cash on hand, a wealth of down-and-dirty political campaign experience, a morally flawed ex-President husband, and the unenthusia­stic backing of the Democratic Party establishm­ent.

Mr. Sanders has so far proven to be a worthy adversary, but there are cracks in the Sanders foundation that Mrs. Clinton seems well prepared to exploit in a general election in which the forward force is not directed by young, anti-establishm­ent revolution­ists whose dearest wish is to refashion the United States into a progressiv­e utopia that best resembles post-Chavez Venezuela, technicall­y a dream state, in reality a sulfurous smoldering ruin.

U.S. Senator Dick Blumenthal has been pulled into the Clinton vortex by an affectiona­te remembranc­e; the Clintons and Mr. Blumenthal chummed around together when Bill & Hill were callow students at Yale. U.S. Senator Chris Murphy, who many think should be supporting the amiable socialist, has been drawn into the Clinton campaign because of Mrs. Clinton’s recent aversion to guns.

As President, Mrs. Clinton would allow lawyers to sue gun manufactur­ers whenever a criminal uses an assault weapon – and remember, any weapon used in the commission of a crime is, by definition, an assault weapon – in pursuit of his daily chores. Frequent suits by lawyers may not put a dent in crime, but it almost certainly would destroy gun manufactur­ing in Connecticu­t. On the other hand, it would vitalize the legal business in Connecticu­t, where one cannot shoot a BB gun without putting out the eye of an attorney. Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Murphy, who appears to be suffering from an advanced case of hoplophobi­a, and Mr. Blumenthal are all lawyers.

Mr. Malloy, fastidious in such matters, has said that Democrats in Connecticu­t may be put off by the socialist tag Mr. Sanders wears proudly, as if it were a badge of high courage. A true sans coulotte, Mr. Sanders appears to be planning a gulag for Wall Street barons and financiers who have contribute­d lavishly to the Clinton Foundation and other bought establishm­ent-Democrats. Thus far in the national campaigns, few have noticed that anti-establishm­ent candidates become establishm­ent politician­s seconds after they are sworn into office; the term “establishm­ent candidate,” as defined by party alienated revolution­ists, is a vacuous term entirely without content, except as rhetorical campaign spittle.

Mr. Sanders has only a few strings on his campaign fiddle, which he continues to strum mercilessl­y: One involves using the tax code punitively to punish greedy millionair­es; another involves giving a “free” college education to the millennial­s he has courted with his siren’s song; and the last involves replacing Obamacare with universal health care. Running the figures on Mr. Sanders’ “reforms,” one number cruncher found his new utopia would add about $10 trillion to the national deficit, now cresting at about $20 trillion, about $10 trillion of which is President Barack Obama’s portion. Costs are underestim­ated in the Sanders universal health care plan, which is underfunde­d by a hefty $1.1 trillion a year, according to a new analysis by Emory University health care expert Kenneth Thorpe. Mr. Thorpe is not unfriendly to universal healthcare; he was hired by the Vermont legislatur­e to produce a single-payer proposal and, retained by progressiv­e Vermont lawmakers in 2014, produced a memo suggesting alternativ­e ways to expand coverage.

The effect of a universal health care system on Connecticu­t, still scrambling for dollars to restore its depleted treasury – Mr. Malloy’s too ambitious transporta­tion reformatio­n is very costly at $100 billion over a thirty year period – should be obvious, even to tax-parched progressiv­es in Connecticu­t’s General Assembly. A universal health care system would sweep Connecticu­t’s insurance industry into the dustbin of history, transformi­ng a vibrant industry into boutique insurance carriers servicing the few millionair­es not yet imprisoned in Mr. Sanders’ gulag.

Rupturing revenues might explain why there are so few Sandersis-tas within Connecticu­t’s largely progressiv­e oneparty state.

 ??  ?? Democratic presidenti­al candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., waves to media and supporters as he arrives for a breakfast meeting with Rev. Al Sharpton at Sylvia’s Restaurant Wednesday in the Harlem neighborho­od of New York.
Democratic presidenti­al candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., waves to media and supporters as he arrives for a breakfast meeting with Rev. Al Sharpton at Sylvia’s Restaurant Wednesday in the Harlem neighborho­od of New York.
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