The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)

More states consider working around Electoral College

- By Susan Haigh

HARTFORD >> Frustrated after seeing another candidate secure the presidency without winning the national popular vote, mostly Democratic lawmakers in several capitols want their states to join a 10-year-old movement to work around the Electoral College.

In states including Connecticu­t, Pennsylvan­ia, Ohio and New Mexico, legislator­s have said they plan to introduce legislatio­n that would require their state’s Electoral College voters cast ballots for the presidenti­al candidate who earns the most votes nationwide, regardless of the statewide results.

“Every vote in this country should have equal weight. The Electoral College is a relic of a bygone era, and we need to change this system,” said Connecticu­t state Sen. Mae Flexer, who filed a bill with several fellow Democrats requiring Connecticu­t to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.

Since 2006, 11 states have signed onto the compact, which require their Electoral College voters to cast ballots for the national popular vote winner. In

theory it would take effect once it involves states representi­ng at least 270 electoral votes, the threshold to win the presidency.

When people vote for president, they are really choosing the electors from the political parties. The college is made up of 538 electors, which correspond­s to the number of a state’s seats in the U.S. Senate and House, plus the three votes allotted to Washington, D.C.

The states that have already passed legislatio­n to join the group represent 165 electoral votes. Typically reliably Democratic states, the list includes California, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachuse­tts, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and D.C. — all where Democrat Hillary Clinton defeated Republican Donald Trump.

Advocates note the measures have cleared several Republican-controlled legislativ­e chambers, including the Arizona House this year. That bill did not come up for a vote in the GOPcontrol­led state Senate.

The compact wouldn’t benefit any one party, said Patrick Rosenstiel, a consultant to National Popular Vote, the group that has been pushing for the compact since 2006. Rather, the Republican said, it will encourage candidates to campaign in every state, regardless of its politics, and make every voter relevant.

“Right now we’ve got a system where the battlegrou­nd states have all the political influence,” he said.

Clinton is the fifth presidenti­al candidate to win the popular vote and lose the Electoral College. She received nearly 2.9 million more votes than Trump, according to an Associated Press analysis Tuesday after vote totals were certified, giving her the largest popular vote margin of any losing presidenti­al candidate and bringing renewed calls to abolish the Electoral College. She benefited from solid wins in populous California and New York, while Trump narrowly won some battlegrou­nd states.

U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer, a California Democrat, said she will introduce legislatio­n in January to do away with the Electoral College through a constituti­onal amendment, but it’s a longshot. An amendment would have to pass Congress and then be ratified by threefourt­hs of the states within seven years.

Supporters of the compact are aiming to get enough states on board before the 2020 presidenti­al election.

Some critics question, among other issues, whether Republican­s will have the political desire between now and 2020 to push for national popular vote compacts in their states. The GOP now holds numerical majorities in 33 legislatur­es.

Recent polling shows support for the Electoral College among Republican­s is high following Trump’s victory, said Robert Alexander, a political science professor at Ohio Northern University and author of a book on the Electoral College.

“Certainly among Democrats, yes,” Alexander said of the will to join the compact. “But a lot of the state legislatur­es are controlled by Republican­s, and there is way too much uncertaint­y for them to take that issue on for their own political futures.”

If there had been a recent instance of a Republican candidate losing the Electoral College but winning the national popular vote, there likely would be more support from GOP lawmakers for the legislatio­n, Alexander said. According to National Popular vote, in 2016 there were 154 Republican­s who sponsored the measures and 162 Democrats.

Battlegrou­nd states like Ohio have little motivation to give up the attention they receive from presidenti­al candidates, Alexander said. And he wondered what would happen if a state with a law binding its electors to vote for the winner of the state’s popular vote — as is the case in more than half the states — joins the compact.

“Which would take precedence?” he said. “The state’s binding law or the interstate compact?”

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