The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)

Can’t we have an honest debate about climate change?

- By Mark A. Boyer Mark A. Boyer is a board of trustees distinguis­hed professor in UConn’s Department of Geography.

I grew up in Bethlehem, Pennsylvan­ia. My father was a Lutheran pastor, whose parishione­rs mostly worked in now-silent steel mills. My grandfathe­r was a coal miner and later a steel worker in Pottsville, Pennsylvan­ia. My social roots are very much working class, giving me great empathy for those whose economic plight has been the focus of so much recent political attention. So I understand why many people are looking for new political frontiers.

Even as a climate change researcher, I can understand why many people want to deny that climate change is happening. Our fossil fuel-intensive past is what created good jobs in heavy industry and was a primary source of American economic strength. Looking fondly at continued reliance on oil, gas and coal as drivers of economic revitaliza­tion also is understand­able, especially when we think there are jobs to be created in places such as Pennsylvan­ia, West Virginia and the upper Midwest.

What I have greater difficulty understand­ing are those who spin conspiracy theories about a climate hoax. Most policy areas are informed by science, but the climate debate generally focuses on those who “believe” in climate change versus those who do not. Science isn’t about belief; it’s about examining evidence and coming to conclusion­s based on that evidence. With climate change, the overwhelmi­ng scientific consensus is that climate change is real and made significan­tly more problemati­c by human action.

One reason for the hoax conspiracy is grounded in purely cynical politics: Climate change seems far off, while the need for jobs and economic recovery for segments of the working class is not. Spinning conspiraci­es simply for political gain feeds further into the arena of fake news that is so worrisome for the future of our democracy and our ability to make informed decisions.

A more productive public debate about climate change would center on efforts to develop a comprehens­ive American energy policy. While there would be disagreeme­nt about a path forward, the discussion might be an honest one. It would need to address issues of scale that have been challengin­g for clean energy sources such as wind and solar and help determine how soon we really could expect to have large-scale renewable energy supplies in place. It would also likely recommend continued reliance on fossil fuels as an essential resource until the scale question can be solved for renewables. And it would grapple with the implicatio­ns of nuclear power that continue to divide the environmen­tal community.

Too many of our political leaders, new and old, have chosen an easier, though less honest approach, to understand­ing the climate-energy problem. This dishonest debate has been renewed in recent weeks with threats of an American withdrawal from the United Nations climate change process and actions such as the appointmen­t by President-elect Donald J. Trump of climate denier Myron Ebell to head the Environmen­tal Protection Agency transition team. That decision can best be spun as the new administra­tion sticking its collective head in the sand.

A healthier, honest debate would center on what steps should be taken to become more competitiv­e in the global economy, which certainly includes fossil fuels. Most environmen­talists will concede that point, especially in the context of a comprehens­ive energy strategy.

The less honest approach urges citizens to ignore the realities of climate science. It also urges citizens and policy-makers to ignore the demands of climate adaptation that we face immediatel­y and jeopardize­s our ability to develop resilience and adapt to our new climate reality. Whether the impact of storms like Sandy or Irene on the eastern United States, rising sea levels or impacts on agricultur­al production, ignoring climate change threatens our economic and physical security for years to come.

An honest debate on climate and energy needs would allow our country to work toward balancing the demands of economic health with the realities of climate change. It would also be a step toward planning for an inevitable post-fossil fuel future. It will also buy time for economic and labor transition­s to take place in the areas where I grew up. Let’s move beyond the falsehood of climate hoaxes and science deniers and onto a real, honest debate about how to solve the challenges that face us economical­ly and environmen­tally.

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