The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)

Alcohol linked to melanoma risk

- Robert Ashley Ask the Doctors

DEAR DOCTOR >> Given a choice, I’ll always choose white wine over red. But a recent study linking white wine to increased melanoma risk made me reconsider. Am I overreacti­ng? DEAR READER >> This is a difficult question without a simple answer — so let’s start with some basics. Alcohol metabolize­s into the chemical acetaldehy­de, which can cause DNA mutations that lead to cancer. To date, alcohol has been associated with an increased risk of cancers of the breast, colon, liver and pancreas.

A 2014 analysis of many different studies published in the British Journal of Dermatolog­y found an 18 percent increase in melanoma among people who drank more than one alcoholic beverage per day, regardless of the type. This analysis was based on retrospect­ive studies, which are studies assessing people’s past habits after a diagnosis has been made.

Prospectiv­e studies follow patients prior to the diagnosis of disease. The research to which you’re referring was that type of study, and was published in the journal Cancer Epidemiolo­gy, Biomarkers and Prevention. For their analysis, researcher­s looked at data on disease outcomes from three studies of health care profession­als and tied those outcomes to potential risk factors. The three studies combined followed a total of more than 210,000 people over a period of more than 18 years. In the studies, participan­ts were asked to state their level of alcohol consumptio­n and to also state what type of alcohol they consumed.

Researcher­s found that overall, 1,374 people (less than 1 percent) were ultimately diagnosed with melanoma. Those who drank alcohol, however, had a 14 percent increase in the rate of melanoma, and that number increased to 21 percent in those who had one or more drink per day. Note that people who drank more alcohol also reported higher rates of smoking, caffeine intake and previous severe sunburns. The authors adjusted for this, so the data still appears relevant.

So yes, alcohol appears to slightly increase the risk of melanoma.

As for wine, some types — especially white wines — have more acetaldehy­de and thus could have a greater ability to increase cancer risk than other types of alcohol. But when the authors looked at the type of alcohol consumed, the results between the three studies varied tremendous­ly.

The current study has two potential problems, however. One is that the authors did not differenti­ate whether drinkers of white wine also drank other types of alcohol. Also, and this may be the biggest issue, because white wine is often drunk cold, people who drink white wine may be more likely to live in sunnier places and thus have more sun exposure.

The authors did look at this second point and found that the majority of melanomas that appear to be related to alcohol consumptio­n occurred on the less-sun exposed areas of the chest, abdomen and back. If the melanomas were linked to sun exposure, instead of wine consumptio­n, the cancers would have been more likely on exposed areas of skin, such as the arms and face.

In summary, drinking alcohol does appear to slightly increase the risk of melanoma. While this study on the impact of white wine does not appear convincing, white wine drinkers should consider the fact that acetaldehy­de is carcinogen­ic and white wine has more acetaldehy­de.

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