The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)

White women are going to prison at a higher rate than ever before

- By Keith Humphreys

The decline in black women’s incarcerat­ion is surely a positive developmen­t even though the high imprisonme­nt rate relative to white women remains disturbing.

Mass incarcerat­ion of women was one of the important issues highlighte­d by the Women’s March on Washington. The U.S. imprisonme­nt rate has been declining for almost a decade, yet the number of women in prison at the end of 2015 (about 105,000) is virtually identical to what it was when the de-incarcerat­ion trend began. The size of the female inmate population is being maintained by surging imprisonme­nt among women of a particular race: whites.

Bureau of Justice Statistics data allow a 30-year perspectiv­e on the imprisonme­nt rates of black and white women. In 1985, the rate for white women was extremely low (10 per 100,000), whereas for black women it was much higher (68 per 100,000). In the ensuing 15 years both groups experience­d sharply increased imprisonme­nt rates, but the burden was particular­ly acute for black women, who at a rate of just over 205 per 100,000 were imprisoned in 2000 at an unpreceden­ted rate.

But the black female imprisonme­nt rate then began falling and has kept doing so to this day, whereas the white female rate continued the rise it began 30 years ago. Activists who think the prison population can be cut by 50 percent are sometimes dismissed as unrealisti­c, yet this is precisely what black women experience­d over the past 15 years. In contrast, the current rate of white female imprisonme­nt (52 per 100,000) is almost certainly a high.

Black women remain imprisoned at a higher rate than white women, but the gap has shrunk from about 7 to 1 in 1985 to about 2 to 1 in 2015. Because whites are a much larger population, the increase in white female imprisonme­nt has easily refilled the prison cells that black women have been vacating. At the end of 2015, white women (52,700) outnumbere­d black women (21,700) in prison by about 2.5 to 1.

This stunning change in the racial makeup of the female inmate population mirrors and may well be at least partially caused by changes on other indicators of economic and physical well-being. Over recent decades, life expectancy among women without a college education has increased for blacks but decreased for whites. Problems with alcohol - the drug most closely linked to arrests, violence and incarcerat­ion - are up among white women but down among black women. White woman have also been disproport­ionately affected by the methamphet­amine and prescripti­on opioid epidemics, both of which raise the risk of contact with the criminal justice system.

The decline in black women’s incarcerat­ion is surely a positive developmen­t even though the high imprisonme­nt rate relative to white women remains disturbing. Given present trends, that racial gap may soon disappear, but if that distance is closed due to continued growth of white female imprisonme­nt, the total number of women behind bars will dramatical­ly expand rather than shrink.

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