The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)

Iran holds military exercises in response to U.S. sanctions

- By Erin Cunningham

ISTANBUL » Iran on Saturday began massive military exercises in a defiant response to a week of warnings from the Trump administra­tion, including new sanctions, with a senior Iranian military commander calling the actions “futile” and threatenin­g to “rain” missiles down on the country’s enemies.

The Iranian Revolution­ary Guard Corps, Iran’s most influentia­l security institutio­n, said it would test missile and radar systems as part of the drill, according to the staterun Islamic Republic News Agency. And a statement on the IRGC website said that the aim of the exercise was “to showcase the power of Iran’s revolution and to dismiss the sanctions,” Reuters reported.

“Should the enemy make a mistake, our roaring missiles will rain down on them,” IRGC Air Force commander, Gen. Amir Ali Hazjizadeh, told the semi-official Tasnim news agency.

Iran also threatened its own sanctions on unnamed U.S. individual­s and companies, saying it would “take action” against those it deemed “to have played a role in generating and supporting extremist terrorist groups.” The statement from Iran’s foreign ministry came a day after the Trump administra­tion announced new sanctions on individual­s working on Iran’s ballistic missile programs, as well as those who have helped the IRGC support U.S.-designated terrorist groups.

Those sanctions were in response to Iran’s successful testing of a medium-range ballistic missile last week, which the United States says is a violation of the 2015 nuclear deal aimed at curbing Iran’s nuclear weapons developmen­t. President Donald Trump this week said that Iran was “playing with fire” and that Iran had been put “on notice” for the missile test. Defense Secretary James Mattis also called Iran the “biggest state sponsor of terrorism” on Friday.

At least three types of missiles were scheduled to be tested during the drills in Iran on Saturday, the privately-owned Mehr News Agency reported, as well as radar systems and cyber warfare technology. The drills capped off a week of rising tensions between the United States and Iran, which the Trump administra­tion has also faulted for an attack by Iran-aligned Houthi rebels on a Saudi Arabian frigate off the coast of western Yemen.

For nearly two years, the United States has supported a Saudi-led coalition in a devastatin­g war in Yemen that the United Nations says has killed 10,000 civilians.

Experts say the escalation between the United States and Iran probably won’t unravel the nuclear deal, a multilater­al agreement made to ease sanctions on Iran exchange for the country halting its nuclear weapons program. The deal was negotiated by the so-called P5+1, including China, France, Russia, Britain, the United States, and Germany.

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