The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)

When the Russians come calling

- Susan Bigelow CTNews Susan Bigelow is an award-winning columnist and the founder of CTLocalPol­itics. She lives in Enfield with her wife and their cats.

It suddenly feels like the bad old days of the Cold War around here, and for good reason. Russia, led by President Vladimir Putin, is constantly and aggressive­ly testing the strength and resolve of the NATO alliance. But unlike the 1980s, the United States has no clear policy on Russia, has weak and vacillatin­g leadership, and is entirely unpredicta­ble.

President Donald J. Trump is not a comforting man to have in charge. Hillary Clinton said it best when she said, during the first presidenti­al debate last September, that “...a man who can be provoked by a tweet should not have his fingers anywhere near the nuclear codes.” But this is the man who is followed around by the nuclear “football,” the satchel that contains a direct line to the Pentagon, codes, and options. This is the man who lashes out at the slightest provocatio­n, mindful only of his own anger and hurt feelings, with no regard to anyone else.

He is being provoked now.

A Russian spy ship, the Victor Leonov, was discovered patrolling the waters only 30 miles off of the coast of New London, home of the Groton Sub Base. By itself, this wouldn’t be an alarming thing. We spy on them, they spy on us, such is life. The Victor Leonov has no weapons and posed no real threat.

However, the context surroundin­g this is much more worrisome.

Members of the Connecticu­t delegation to Congress are pressing the president to act. I spoke with U.S. Rep. Joe Courtney, D-2nd District, whose district contains the Groton Sub Base. “Clearly the Russian military is testing a new administra­tion,” Courtney said. Courtney is also worried that Russia perceives “softness” in the new administra­tion, and that they see this transition as an opportunit­y to “create a new normal.”

This provocativ­e show of force by Russian President Vladimir Putin at the exact moment that Trump is reeling is not a coincidenc­e. Trump has a notoriousl­y thin skin, however, which could lead to a very dangerous situation. “In an effort to overcompen­sate,” Courtney warned, “there might be a temptation to overreact.”

Courtney wants to see clear policy from the White House more than anything. “I think he needs to publicly state what U.S. policy is in terms of Putin’s persistent aggressive­ness,” he said, as well as “making sure internatio­nal maritime rules will prevail. That’s just not clear that this administra­tion is committed to that.”

As for what the military response should be, Courtney pointed to a report issued by the Obama administra­tion in December calling for increasing the size of the naval fleet, including more Connecticu­t-built submarines, to counter a newly resurgent Russian fleet.

Russia is constantly pushing boundaries to see how much the West is willing to put up with. The invasion and annexation of Crimea is the prime example, as is Russia’s continuing involvemen­t in Ukraine’s festering civil war. But there have been others. Russian submarines were spotted in the Baltic Sea near Sweden in 2014, Russian fighter jets have been doing close, dangerous passes against U.S. warships in the Baltic and Black seas, and Russia recently developed and deployed a cruise missile that violates one of the major arms treaties.

All of this is theoretica­l for us in the United States, because it’s mostly happening in Europe. A Russian spy ship off our own waters changes that. This is something that hasn’t happened in a long time, and it’s an act that seems designed to take a jab at Trump during a time when he seems weaker than ever.

Trump’s weakness is the fault of the close relationsh­ip he, his campaign, and his supporters have had with Russia. The illicit conversati­on between Russia’s ambassador and former National Security Advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn about easing sanctions, as well as the recently uncovered conversati­ons between members of President Trump’s staff and Russian intelligen­ce during the campaign, have Trump’s administra­tion on the defensive.

“There are questions out there screaming for answers,” Courtney said, echoing what many Democrats have said. “Is there more to this in terms of connection­s [between] Trump and his team and Russian intelligen­ce?”

We are also at a low point when it comes to how our allies see us. Trump has lowered our standing in the world, and his defense secretary’s reckless talk about how NATO members need to pay more to keep up the alliance or the U.S. will “moderate” its support for members is not reassuring.

This crisis may pass without further incident. But if Putin’s goal here was to sow chaos and confusion in the West so that he could expand his military footprint and project Russian power around the world, he has succeeded.

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