The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)

Trump’s path forward only gets tougher after health-care fiasco

- By John Wagner, Damian Paletta and Sean Sullivan

The stunning collapse of the Republican healthcare bill now imperils the rest of President Trump’s ambitious congressio­nal agenda, with few prospects for quick victory on tax reform, constructi­on projects or a host of other issues in the months ahead despite complete GOP control of government.

While Republican­s broadly share the goal of Trump’s promised “big tax cuts,” the president will have to bridge many of the same divides within his own party that sunk the attempted overhaul of the Affordable Care Act. And without savings anticipate­d from the health-care bill, paying for the “massive” cuts Trump has promised for corporatio­ns and middle-class families becomes considerab­ly more complicate­d.

Meanwhile, other marquee agenda items, including a $1 trillion investment in roads and other infrastruc­ture and proposed crackdowns on both legal and illegal immigratio­n, will require the support of Democrats, many of whom have been alienated by the highly partisan start to Trump’s tenure.

The lone exception for near-term victory could come with the confirmati­on of Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch - but even that faces the prospect of a threatened filibuster by Democrats.

Trump and Republican leaders continued Saturday in their attempts to put a brave face on the healthcare debacle. “ObamaCare will explode and we will all get together and piece together a great healthcare plan for THE PEOPLE,” Trump wrote in a morning tweet. “Do not worry!”

But others in the party acknowledg­ed the political damage sustained by pulling the House bill, particular­ly for a president who had touted his own dealmaking prowess.

“It’s a momentum issue,” said Rep. Mike Coffman, RColorado. “The fact is that, you know, you came out of the gate and you stumbled.”

Doug Heye, a GOP consultant and former congressio­nal staffer, said Republican­s, having achieved control of both chambers of Congress and the White House, were left with a lot to prove.

“It sends a troubling sign to a lot of folks about the broader issue of whether Republican­s will be able to govern,” he said.

Trump has said he would have preferred to start his term by cutting “the hell out of taxes.” Even before the health-care bill was pulled Friday, the president was already starting to turn the page.

Determined to highlight other priorities, Trump staged two announceme­nts in the White House meant to underscore his commitment to creating jobs: granting a constructi­on permit for the Keystone XL pipeline and appearing with executives of a telecom giant as they pledged to hire thousands of new employees, although the company’s plans had already been announced in October.

Separately, Trump’s treasury secretary, Steve Mnuchin, said at an event Friday that he will push Congress to enact comprehens­ive tax reform by its August recess, though he acknowledg­ed the timetable might slip.

The White House signaled Saturday it was eager to move on. Trump’s weekly address made no mention of the health-care fight, instead focusing on his signing of legislatio­n authorizin­g funding for NASA and his commitment to space exploratio­n.

“We’re going to roll our sleeves up, and we’re going to cut taxes across the board for working families, small businesses and family farms,” Vice President Mike Pence said Saturday at an appearance in Scott Depot, W. Va.

A senior White House official, however, said it was unlikely that Trump would ramp up a major sales effort on tax reform immediatel­y, given his team had been planning on using the coming days to push for Senate action on the health-care bill.

Trump’s top advisers had envisioned a three-step legislativ­e agenda this year, starting with scaling back health-care law scaling back former president Barack Obama’s signature domestic initiative. After that was complete, they wanted to move to a comprehens­ive overhaul of the tax code, followed by the creation of a $1 trillion infrastruc­ture package.

The implosion of the health-care effort complicate­s the tax overhaul both logistical­ly and politicall­y.

Reworking the healthcare law as House envisioned would have also cut roughly $1 trillion in revenues. That would make it simpler for Republican­s to pass a future overhaul of the tax code because they wouldn’t have to find additional revenue to offset new tax cuts.

Americans for Tax Reform President Grover Norquist said the bloc of hardline Republican­s who helped stymie the health care overhaul were guilty of “ripping the lungs out of tax reform.” If they don’t revisit the health care bill immediatel­y, Norquist said, they will soon realize that “they didn’t shoot and wound health-care reform, they shot and killed permanent tax reform.”

House Speaker Paul D. Ryan, R-Wisconsin, acknowledg­ed Friday that the health-care defeat “does make tax reform more difficult, but it does not make it impossible.”

“We are going to proceed with tax reform,” Ryan said.

Hours before the health bill was pulled, Mnuchin said a “comprehens­ive” overhaul of the tax code should prove less complex. “Health care is a very, very complicate­d issue,” he said at a Friday event hosted by Axios. “In a way, [tax reform is] a lot simpler. It really is.”

Trump has proposed cutting the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 15 percent, though many Republican­s on Capitol Hill have been aiming for a 20 percent rate. Trump has also proposed consolidat­ing the existing seven individual income tax brackets into three brackets of 10 percent, 20 percent and 25 percent.

Trump’s advisers have argued these changes would trigger a big expansion of economic growth, but some budget analysts have said the changes would widen the deficit by anywhere from $2.6 trillion to $7 trillion over 10 years, depending on how it is measured.

Many Republican­s have long vowed that an overhaul of the tax code must be “revenue neutral,” which means they need to find new revenues to offset the reduction in rates. Trump’s advisers have not identified specific tax breaks they would eliminate in order to raise new revenue, and Trump himself often waved away debt concerns during the campaign.

Meanwhile, House and Senate Republican­s are at odds over the wisdom of a key proponent of tax reform.

Ryan has proposed a border-adjustment tax that would essentiall­y create new taxes on items imported into the United States as a way to raise close to $1 trillion in new revenue while also providing incentives for companies to move operations to the United States.

Many other Republican­s oppose this idea, though, and the fight will likely only intensify now. Some Republican­s, including Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, argue that the scheme would drive up prices on consumer goods and many large retailers are strongly opposed.

Given such divides, as well as the mechanics of the budget process, it’s highly unlikely lawmakers will produce a comprehens­ive tax bill by the August recess, if at all, said Jim Manley, a former longtime aide to former Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid, D-Nevada.

“It’s clearly not realistic, and it’s not going to happen, on policy and political grounds,” Manley said, adding that the Republican agenda is also undercut by “a president who’s out of his league and doesn’t know how to legislate.”

Republican­s had planned to use a budget procedure called “reconcilia­tion” for both the health-care overhaul and for the tax changes, as that would allow them to pass their plans with a simple majority in the Senate and make it impossible for Democrats to block or the changes through a filibuster. That’s still the plan with tax reform.

Barry Bennett, an adviser to Trump during the general election, said he thought it was a “tactical mistake” for Trump not to have started his term by pushing for tax changes.

“Now you’re going to have to carry these battle scars into the tax debate.”

Former House speaker Newt Gingrich, who was a close adviser to Trump during the campaign, said the White House should postpone what is expected to be a messy battle over the tax code and instead pivot toward trying to build a large infrastruc­ture package. Proceeding with infrastruc­ture could attract bipartisan support, he said.

Some Democrats and labor unions have said they could support a big infrastruc­ture package, though the White House hasn’t specified how they plan to finance a package that includes roads, bridges, airports and broadband capability, among other things.

 ?? WASHINGTON POST PHOTO BY MELINA MARA. ?? House Speaker Paul D. Ryan informs journalist­s that Republican­s “came up short” in garnering support for the American Health Care Act.
WASHINGTON POST PHOTO BY MELINA MARA. House Speaker Paul D. Ryan informs journalist­s that Republican­s “came up short” in garnering support for the American Health Care Act.

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