The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)

Begin impeachmen­t of Trump?


CBS’ “Face the Nation” led off with host John Dickerson interviewi­ng Rafael (Ted) Cruz, GOP senator from Texas.

In the Senate, Sen. Cruz serves on the:

• Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transporta­tion;

• Committee on Armed Services;

• Committee on the Judiciary;

• Joint Economic Committee; and

• Committee on Rules and Administra­tion.

The transcript includes the following:

“Sen. Ted Cruz (R), Texas: Well, these are serious allegation­s. And I think they need to be looked into seriously. You have got open investigat­ions in both the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee and the House Intelligen­ce Committee. You have got next week FBI Director Comey testifying. And we need to find out what the facts are. We do know — or it’s at least been publicly reported that there were two FISA applicatio­ns for some sort of surveillan­ce or wiretaps, one of which was turned down by the Obama — by the FISA court of the Obama administra­tion, one of which was granted. I think it is important to learn a little bit more detail as to what was contained in those FISA applicatio­ns. And I think the investigat­ions will bring that out.”

If Sen. Cruz’s informatio­n is correct, the Justice Department presented evidence to the FISA Court of probable cause that someone in the Trump campaign was jeopardizi­ng national security and violating the law which justified surveillan­ce.

Next step is to find out what the probable cause evidence was, and what further evidence was obtained via the surveillan­ce. Even absent evidence obtained by the surveillan­ce, the probable cause evidence may be sufficient to justify the beginning of an impeachmen­t process for one or both of the leaders we elected in 2016.

And so goes the long and winding road of the current production of Trumpgate. — Steven E. Zalesch New Haven

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