The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)

Take part in this month’s pay it forward campaign

- Kevin Wilhelm Columnist Kevin Wilhelm is president and CEO of the Middlesex County United Way in Middletown.

MIDDLETOWN » In just a few short weeks, summer will officially be here. I know for me that means spending more quality time with my family, enjoying the outdoors, and gearing up for another successful United Way campaign to begin. With the new campaign starting, I especially like to focus on continuing to think of others and pay it forward.

On June 21, the Middlesex United Way is joining United Ways across the state and country for the Day of Action, which takes place each year on or leading up to June 21, the longest day of the year. The event is meant to call attention to an important issue or cause and ask people to take action in support of it. This year, I am asking Middlesex County to join me in participat­ing in random acts of kindness and paying it forward to others. It seems now, more often than not, when we turn on the nightly news, we are berated with tragedy and violence in this world. We at United Way are hoping our pay it forward idea may help bring a little more positivity to our communitie­s.

There are countless reasons why it is a great idea to participat­e in the Day of Action by paying it forward, but I will only share a few of my favorites. One reason is that this forces us to take a moment and think of those around us. Many of us operate on crazy schedules that often leave us with no time to connect with family, friends and coworkers. By taking the time to participat­e in the Day of Action, it reminds us to make deliberate strides to help others and gives us an opportunit­y to share our deeds with those important to us. Challenge your friends and family to who can help the most strangers in one day!

Not only does helping others brighten our day but mutually sharing happiness and joy with someone else is much better. Whether you are the recipient of a random act of kindness or you are the doer, it is a great feeling to know you — in big or small ways — impacted someone else’s day.

One of my favorite reasons is that generosity among strangers can be socially contagious; meaning once you do good, you may be inspiring someone else to follow. Just like when Starbucks had a line of customers who kept paying for the vehicle behind theirs, we can take this day to start in motion something positive, and who knows how long these acts of kindness could radiate for.

On June 21, we will distribute pay it forward coins to various businesses throughout Middlesex County. We ask that when you see one of these coins, you take it and pass it along. We will also send virtual coins to our email distributi­on list. Call Amanda Furlong at 860346-8695 if you would like to be added to this list to receive your coin.

Stay tuned to find out where exactly the coins will be and if your company is interested in participat­ing, call the Middlesex United Way at 860346-8695.

We hope you will all share with us your stories from the day in hopes to inspire others via our social media pages.

You can like our Facebook page at facebook. com./middlesexu­nitedway and post to our timeline, or Tweet to us @Middlesex_UW.

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