The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)


- Jacqueline Bigar Your Stars

Happy birthday: for Saturday, June 10. This year you tend to be more serious and grounded than usual. One-on-one relating means a lot to you, and though you can be charming and witty, you also can be somber and serious. If you are single, you could connect with someone who is more serious than those you have dated in the past. You are likely to meet this person through a friendship or in a meeting. If you are attached, you and your significan­t other might be in the process of recalibrat­ing your relationsh­ip. Honor the changes you both have experience­d since you met.

CAPRICORN is not as fun-loving as you are. Aries (March 21-April 19): ★★★★ You could feel as if your energy is off. Your anger might emerge at odd moments. You probably are not angry with anyone you are dealing with right now, but a situation around you might trigger an event from your past. Tonight: Take the lead in bringing others together.

Taurus (April 20-May 20): ★★★★ You might feel out of sorts when dealing with a sudden insight or a difficult emotional matter. You have a lot of questions that you’ll want and need to ask. The results are likely to be unusually rewarding. Your caring side emerges later in the day. Tonight: Hang out and relax.

Gemini (May 21-June 20): ★★★★★ The unexpected occurs wherever you go. Fiery moments surround a conversati­on involving a family member. You see financial matters very differentl­y from how others involved do. Caring emanates, despite a disagreeme­nt. You can bypass a problem easily. Tonight: Your treat.

Cancer (June 21-July 22): ★★★★ You might be running around trying to get done more than your share. Invite others over for a get-together, but make sure that you plan an active pastime for people to enjoy. Loved ones seem to be dealing with some frustratio­n. Tonight: Be sensitive to a friend’s irritation.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): ★★★★ Your lively ways draw people toward you. Understand what is happening with a friend who obviously is frustrated. You might not want to be in the line of fire. Spend a day completing certain projects, but make time to visit with a friend. Tonight: Do not push too hard. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): ★★★★ Devote a day to a loved one. Your compassion emerges once you detach from one of this person’s annoying habits. You’ll feel better, and he or she will feel cared about. Share an important thought, as that is the first step toward making it happen. Tonight: In the limelight.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): ★★★ You might want to spend more time at home today. Know that your reason could just be that you need some downtime. Others seem to be running on high energy. You easily can be drawn in, if you so choose. A family matter does take priority. Tonight: Stay close to home.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): ★★★★ You might be focused on completing a project and getting some extra R and R. Calls could be distractin­g, though you will enjoy catching up on others’ news. A demanding call from someone who usually is easygoing will catch you off guard. Tonight: Catch a movie.

Sagittariu­s (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): ★★★★ Be careful with your finances. You have a tendency to be too responsive when dealing with a loved one. This person seems to want more of your time and attention. Try to come to a better understand­ing, despite a difficult situation. Tonight: Know that you are cared about.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): ★★★★ You seem to be more in control than you have been in quite a while. A loved one or several friends will enjoy that you are willing to free up some extra time to spend with them. Anger comes forward, and it needs to be rooted out and discussed. Tonight: As you like it.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): ★★★ Fatigue could be playing a bigger role in your life than need be. You probably need some extra R and R right now. A loved one might be disappoint­ed that you are not in the mood for a fun Saturday. Others seem more nurturing than usual. Tonight: Don’t push to get your way.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): ★★★ A friend will take the lead in bringing others together. A financial matter seems more positive than you had thought possible. Until the issue is resolved, don’t attempt to make a change. Wait to respond to good news until it is written in stone. Tonight: Enjoy being a duo. Born today: Singer/actress Judy Garland (1922), illustrato­r Maurice Sendak (1928), actress Carolyn Hennesy (1962)

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