The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)


- Jacqueline Bigar Your Stars

Happy birthday: for Friday, July 7. This year you achieve more because of a willingnes­s to take risks. You have the ability to appraise the likelihood of a positive response from others. You will see that you have many fans. If you are single, you easily could meet someone anytime from fall until your next birthday. Ask yourself if this person is someone with whom you want to build a life. If you are attached, your inner circle of friends will expand. You also will see the attraction between you and your sweetie heat up. CAPRICORN can challenge you. Aries (March 21-April 19): ★★★★★ You could be all smiles because of some good news that heads your way early in the day. Consider clearing out as much work as you can before the weekend. Others are likely to accept your direction with ease; let them help you. Tonight: Wherever you are, you are the ring leader. Taurus (April 20-May 20): ★★★★ Financial and emotional matters are highlighte­d, which grabs your attention. You might decide to do your own research to determine the validity of what you hear and to see what your options are. You also probably need to talk to several advisers. Tonight: Go for togetherne­ss. Gemini (May 21-June 20): ★★★★★ You could see a situation differentl­y from how it initially was described. Recognize that this distortion exists because of several people seeing life from different perspectiv­es. You might want to get more opinions. Listen carefully to others’ views. Tonight: Quality time with a friend. Cancer (June 21-July 22): ★★★★ Defer to someone else; you will gain a more in-depth perspectiv­e as a result. You can’t seem to put the kibosh on a personal matter; accept that you might just need to ride it out. Trust in your charm and ability to surf a rough emotional wave. Tonight: Be spontaneou­s. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): ★★★ You might be playful in the morning; however, a more serious look at what is going on at the workplace is likely to change your mood and direction. Clear out as much as you can in order to free yourself up. Understand what is going on with an associate. Tonight: Accept an offer. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): ★★★★ Though you might be dragging your feet in the morning, by the afternoon thoughts of the coming weekend will energize you to tackle any remaining work that must be done. You could be more flirtatiou­s than you realize. Be careful. Tonight: Opt for fun. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): ★★★★ Make calls in the morning, and clear out as much as you can. A surprise happening could result in a change of plans. Understand what is happening behind the scenes with a family member. Let this person share what is on his or her mind. Tonight: Among the crowds. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): ★★★★ Splurge and buy a favorite snack to share with your associates or a roommate. You’ll start the day off on a pleasant note. Calls and meetings could hinder your ability to get through your all your work. Accept the challenge, and be smart: screen your calls. Tonight: Hang out. Sagittariu­s (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): ★★★★ Open up to new possibilit­ies, and understand all your options before you decide which way to go. A financial issue could come into question, and you’ll need to deal with it. Use the afternoon to get feedback and choose the correct choice for you. Tonight: In the limelight. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): ★★★★ You might be slow to start, but you’ll finish the day on a winning path. You could be so into what you are doing that you’ll postpone going out until you complete the task at hand. Your sensitivit­y to a key issue emerges, but only when you decide to relax. Tonight: Out late. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): ★★★★★ Stay upbeat about your choices, and be more willing to include friends in an important decision. You might not make that decision immediatel­y, but you will give a lot of thought to this matter later in the day. Tonight: How about grabbing some dinner with a special friend? Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): ★★★★ You might not be comfortabl­e with all the responsibi­lities that are weighing you down right now. Somehow, the load will lighten up enough that you’ll be able to demonstrat­e your more fluent, resourcefu­l problem-solving abilities. Tonight: Join a friend or two for some fun. Born today: Drummer Ringo Starr (1940), artist Marc Chagall (1887), film critic Joel Siegel (1943)

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