The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)

Mispercept­ion of urban teachers pervasive

- By Jason Courtmanch­e

Each fall, I take first-year students interested in English education on field trips to museums in Connecticu­t. Last year, on a trip to the Wadsworth Atheneum, several students expressed surprise at the loveliness of the area — the Wadsworth, City Hall, public library, the under-constructi­on Hartford Times building, even Bushnell Park in view in the distance from Wells Street or Gold Street.

I concurred, and asked if any of them had ever been to the Wadsworth before. All shook their heads no. Then I asked if any of them had ever been to Hartford before, and, again, all of them said no. One young woman said her parents claimed it was too dangerous. Several others said they had heard the same thing.

Last week, I read several articles in The Hartford Courant about the opening of the UConn Hartford campus, and, again, suburban students routinely said things like “My mother was just concerned about me coming to Hartford all alone. She doesn’t want me walking around alone because of the higher crime rate” or “My parents were definitely afraid to send me here.”

These sentiments are indicative of a broader mispercept­ion of urban environmen­ts, one that extends significan­tly to the mispercept­ion of urban schools.

A recent article in The Atlantic discusses bias against urban schools, and cites a Harvard study about school quality that reveals how baseless public perception is when researcher­s use more than merely standardiz­ed test scores to evaluate schools.

Another recent article published in Salon reveals a similar baseless bias as regards public, charter and private schools. Nearly 80 percent of the public believe that private schools provide a quality education, and fully 60 percent believe the same of charter schools, while less than 40 percent believe traditiona­l public schools provide a quality education, according to Salon. Once again, the research does not support this perception.

When I was a teenager, my uncle was the principal of a large urban high school in Connecticu­t. He had students whose families were mired in extreme poverty and he had students expelled for bringing drugs to school. He also had graduating seniors accepted to Yale and other elite private colleges, and the school’s journalism program won a national award.

Urban schools are a microcosm of our society. The presence of impoverish­ed students or a high suspension rate reveals nothing about the overall quality of the education available or of the teaching provided by the teachers.

In the last decade, I have been in over 70 high schools, observing teachers, providing profession­al developmen­t or co-teaching the occasional lesson.

Many have been urban high schools where I observed extremely talented teachers, including Windham High, East Hartford High, Classical Magnet School, Sports and Medical Sciences Academy, and Bulkeley High in Hartford, Metropolit­an Business Academy in New Haven and Manchester High School.

I have a special relationsh­ip with Manchester High’s English Department. Nearly half of the 18 members of that department have been my undergradu­ate or graduate students, and I have provided profession­al developmen­t to them many times over the years.

I have a College, Career, and Community Writers grant from the U.S. Department of Education, via the National Writing Project, to spend 18 months working with the English and social studies teachers (joined by a handful of educators from Illing Middle School, Manchester Community College and Rockville High). We held a three-day Advanced Institute in June to study argument writing, and I was as impressed as ever with the thoughtful­ness and dedication of the MHS teachers.

This is a school whose 2014 valedictor­ian and salutatori­an accepted Nutmeg scholarshi­ps to attend UConn, and whose first graduate to be drafted by the NFL attended Princeton and distinguis­hed himself by being the first white player to take a knee during the national anthem to show solidarity with black players raising awareness about racism.

I have a young woman from Manchester High in my current honors First-Year Experience class, and when I mentioned that her department head and her drama coach had been my graduate students, she smiled and said, “Those are two of the best teachers I ever had.”

Mispercept­ion of urban spaces, urban schools and urban educators is pervasive, but baseless, unfair and unfortunat­e. What’s worse, as Jack Schneider of The Atlantic points out, is when people act on these mispercept­ions — avoiding or fleeing our cities — they may help to create the reality they have misperceiv­ed.

Jason Courtmanch­e teaches at UConn, where he is director of the Connecticu­t Writing Project, the assistant coordinato­r of the Early College Experience English Program and lecturer in English. He runs a four-week summer institute where teachers from all grade levels and discipline­s write and learn to be more effective teachers of writing. He reviews teacher education programs for the Council for the Accreditat­ion of Educator Preparatio­n.

 ?? File photo ?? Paintings in the Morgan Gallery in the Wadsworth Atheneum in Hartford.
File photo Paintings in the Morgan Gallery in the Wadsworth Atheneum in Hartford.

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