The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)

How to break up with stylist

- Annie Lane Send your questions for Annie Lane to dearannie@creators .com.

Dear Annie: How does one breakup with her hairstylis­t of more than 30 years? Mine knows my children and grandchild­ren, and I know hers. During my haircuts, we have exchanged stories of our families throughout the years, but we have no contact socially. I am ready for a change for several reasons but do not want to hurt her feelings. Do I owe her an explanatio­n? Needing a Change

Dear Needing a Change: After consulting some hairstylis­ts on the matter, the consensus seems to be that honesty is the best policy. Give your stylist a call. Try to keep the conversati­on short and sweet. Tell her that you have enjoyed getting to know her over the decades and appreciate her taking care of your hair but that you’d like to change things up and try a different salon. Hairstylis­ts see people every day who are looking for a transforma­tion, so she should understand.

Perhaps this info will also be of use to the following woman, whose letter also arrived in my inbox this week.

Dear Annie: For the past four years, I’ve been having a friend do my hair. “Marcy” and I knew each other in grade school and lost touch, but I saw on Facebook that she was doing hair and decided to start seeing her. She is a very sweet woman and is passionate about her work, and I am grateful that she gives me a good deal. But over the past few months, my hair has seemed unhealthy, and the color is patchy. I’m tempted to go to another salon next time to see whether someone else could get my hair into better shape, but I don’t want to hurt Marcy’s feelings. She seems pretty sensitive, and I’m worried she’d take it as a personal attack. Any ideas on how to handle this?

Frizzy in Flagstaff Dear Frizzy: Let Marcy know that you’ve not been loving your locks lately. Many hairstylis­ts are eager to improve their techniques, and she might welcome the feedback. If the problem persists, you can always gently let her know that you really appreciate all she’s done over the years but that you’d like to try out another salon to see whether someone else has a different idea about how to manage your hair. She might actually be relieved to have the appointmen­t slot open for someone whom she’d charge full price.

Lastly, I realize this is of little help to you now, but let this be a lesson for the future: Avoid doing business with friends. No matter how much money it saves, it could end up costing you in dearer ways.

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