The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)

Shining sunlight on vitamin D’s benefits

- DR. DAVID KATZ Dr. David L. Katz; davidkatzm­ ; founder, True Health Initiative.

The New York Times recently ran a story indicating that a prominent physician scientist particular­ly associated with advocacy for vitamin D supplement­ation may have important conflicts of interest. The case is made that this doctor has promoted sales of vitamin D, testing for vitamin D and even the use of tanning salons through his influence on peers and the public. He has, in turn, been richly compensate­d by companies that make and sell supplement­s, perform tests or offer tanning beds.

I favor vitamin D supplement­ation (in general) despite no familiarit­y with the advocacy of this particular doctor and despite relying on more cautious and reliably unbiased sources. For me, this is a story about both scandal and sunlight.

Let’s start with scandal. Yes, at this point, the protagonis­t in the New York Time’s story (by Kaiser Health News writer Liz Szabo) has reportedly made quite a bit of money from his vitamin D advocacy. That could mean he is biased and driven by ulterior motives. But it doesn’t necessaril­y mean any of that.

I found peer-reviewed publicatio­ns on vitamin D by the impugned physician going back 48 years. His industry funding goes back not nearly so far. So, there is an alternativ­e, plausible narrative: A researcher devoted to the study of vitamin D became convinced of widespread deficiency and the importance of redressing it. As he became prominent over the years, so did his advocacy, based on his own research and that of others. As his advocacy became prominent, it caught the attention of industry elements. Eventually, they came along to say: “Your message benefits our bottom line, so we would like to support it, and you. We can help amplify your message with money; you don’t need to change what you were already saying.” And then… here we are.

This narrative does not entirely eliminate concerns about conflict. Someone with significan­t funding from specific industry elements should not be involved in drafting impartial, national guidelines with direct implicatio­ns for those patrons. But before over-interpreti­ng the implicatio­ns of scandal, we should all pause to consider that this doctor’s advocacy may be honest, based on his view of the evidence, and just what it was before any money was involved. As for Al Gore, conviction and advocacy may have, and seemingly did, come first; an exchange of dollars only late in the game.

Which leads to sunlight, where contaminat­ed conclusion­s about vitamin D may most reliably be disinfecte­d. Vitamin D is not really a nutrient; it is a hormone. Under the native conditions to which our species is adapted, we don’t need vitamin D from food. Rather, we make it from sunlight. Dark skin, the original condition of our common ancestors, protects against intense, equatorial sun, while allowing for adequate vitamin D production to foster healthy growth and developmen­t.

When our ancestors migrated out of Africa, away from the equator, and into fewer hours of less intense sunlight, dark skin no longer reliably made enough vitamin D. A mutation favoring skin pallor was advantageo­us under those conditions, and we see the effects to this day. The most famously lightskinn­ed peoples — Irish, Scandinavi­ans — come from either far northern climes or from under frequent cloud cover, if not both. Vitamin D, quite simply, is why any of us is white. That says something about the profound reverberat­ions of this compound through our physiology, where it controls calcium absorption and skeletal developmen­t, but also influences energy metabolism, immune function and much more.

Paleo-anthropolo­gists estimate that our native levels of vitamin D were higher than we tend to see in modern population­s, based on what we know about levels achieved by population­s living outdoors with frequent sun exposure. If we use adaptation as our default, supplement­ation is warranted simply to approximat­e the levels native to our kind. So, I favor judicious supplement­ation. As for testing, I generally need a reason, such as unexplaine­d symptoms, or unexplaine­d bone thinning.

We all have reason to care about vitamin D, no further away than the surface of our own skin. It may well be that popular narrative and profession­al discourse on the topic are now home to the contaminan­ts of bias and conflict. Confusion tends to dissipate, and reasonable conclusion­s reveal themselves, however, if we avoid a rush to judgment, and examine the whole story under the bright light of day.

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