The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)

‘Throwback Thursday’ pictures anger an old friend

- Annie Lane

Dear Annie: “Lisa,” a friend with whom I went to high school, got rhinoplast­y — aka a nose job — between high school and college. Don’t ask me why; I think she had a beautiful face beforehand, but that’s a tale for another letter. I’m writing to you about a disagreeme­nt that’s come up between her and me recently.

I love posting “Throwback Thursday” photos on social media. I do it pretty much every Thursday. Lisa and I were basically attached at the hip in high school, so naturally, a lot of my pictures include her. They also include her old nose — and this is what Lisa takes issue with.

One time, after I made a post, she texted me, “Take that down!” I thought she was joking, so I laughed off her text. About a month later, I posted another photo that she was in. Then she sent me a much longer text, saying I had disrespect­ed her wishes and made her feel embarrasse­d. I told her I never meant to make her feel bad — that those old photos make me feel happy, which is why I share them. I thought we reached an understand­ing. A few months later, I posted a group photo, which she was in. That’s when she went nuclear. Now she’s not speaking to me. Annie, was I wrong? Thrown Off

Dear Thrown Off: When you look at these photos, you see snapshots of fond memories. When your friend looks at these photos, all she sees are “before” pictures. That’s a shame. It seems that she is still carrying a lot of insecurity about her looks and her surgery. Let’s hope she makes peace with that. If you want to keep peace with her until then, avoid posting old photos of just her or the two of you. It is her likeness, after all, and not every memory needs to be shared with the whole world. Sometimes it’s better to treasure them privately.

Dear Annie: “Not a Trash Eater” complained about her husband’s remark that she could retrieve a tomato core from the trash and suck on it if she was that upset at him for throwing it in the trash. And here I was thinking she was going to complain that he had put the core in the trash rather than the compost. Tomayto, tomahto?

Tomato cores are safe to eat, but many of us have been trained to remove the core. Regardless of one’s preference­s, their disagreeme­nt could be respectful­ly discussed and perhaps lead to some positive changes.


Dear Composter: I’m printing your letter because composting is a great option for making use of food scraps. According to Berkeley Wellness, 95 percent of food scraps end up in landfills. Composting is a much better option for the environmen­t — and a great way to generate rich soil for your garden. For more informatio­n, visit composting-home.

Send your questions to askthedoct­ors@mednet.ucla. edu, or write: Ask the Doctors, c/o Media Relations, UCLA Health, 924 Westwood Blvd., Suite 350, Los Angeles, CA, 90095..

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