The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)


- Editor’s note: The writer is a volunteer with the nonpartisa­n organizati­on Citizens’ Climate Lobby

Author of op-ed about Arab war on Israel is misinforme­d

I’m appalled by the ignorance about the Arab war on Israel shown by Michael Galant in his recent op-ed, “Murphy wants a new foreign policy.”

He complains about alleged Israeli “oppression” of Palestinia­n Arabs, apparently unaware that more than 95 percent of the Arabs in the disputed territorie­s have had their own government, the Palestinia­n Authority, for nearly a quarter-century and Israel only goes into the areas ruled by the PA when it’s necessary to prevent or respond to Palestinia­n terror attacks.

Israel completely left Gaza 13 years ago, yet recently, Hamas and other terror groups there launched 460 rockets at Israeli civilians in the course of a few hours. Thanks to extensive civil defense measures, including expensive bomb shelters in all homes and public facilities and the innovative “Iron Dome” missile defense system, only one person was killed — ironically, a Palestinia­n Arab from PA-controlled Hebron — but if Galant had his way and Israel hadn’t gotten financial assistance from the United States necessary for the developmen­t and deployment of Iron Dome batteries, hundreds if not thousands of innocent Israeli Jews would have died.

Ironically, while Gallant concludes by asserting “there is no progressiv­e policy without Palestinia­ns,” the opposite is true. Democratic Israel exemplifie­s most of the values progressiv­es claim to uphold, while both Hamas and the Palestinia­n Authority persecute gays and other minorities as they strive to establish an intolerant, Shariahbas­ed Muslim state which would not only heavily discrimina­te against minorities but also ethnically cleanse all Jews even from the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem.

Alan Stein, Netanya, Israel Editor’s note: The writer, a longtime resident of Connecticu­t who splits his time between Israel and Massachuse­tts, is president emeritus of PRIMER-Connecticu­t, Promoting Responsibi­lity in Middle East Reporting

Lawmakers must support Energy Innovation, Carbon Dividend Act

With increasing­ly dire news about the current and future impacts of climate change, a breath of fresh air is in sight. On Tuesday, five members of the House of Representa­tives introduced the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act, market-based climate legislatio­n that places a steadily rising fee on carbon pollution and returns 100 percent of revenue to households.

Bill sponsors Ted Deutch, D-Florida; Francis Rooney, R-Florida; Charlie Cris, D-Florida; Brian Fitzpatric­k, R-Pennsylvan­ia; and John Delaney, D-Maryland; should be applauded for their bipartisan collaborat­ion. That has yielded a bill that decreases U.S. carbon emissions 33 percent over the next decade, all while creating over 2 million new jobs, lowering health care costs, promoting energy innovation, and addressing the impact of energy prices on farmers and lowincome households.

I hope to soon see support from U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-3, and the rest of the Connecticu­t Congressio­nal delegation. It’s time to put aside our partisan difference­s and come together to enact the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act in the next Congress.

Jennifer Kleindiens­t, Middletown

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