The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)

Cops: Tip says Smollett, 2 ‘suspects’ were together

- Photos and text from wire services

CHICAGO — Chicago police are investigat­ing a tip that on the night “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett reported being attacked by two masked men he was in an elevator of his apartment building with two brothers later arrested and released from custody in the probe, a department spokesman said Tuesday.

Police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said the person reported seeing the three together the night in question last month. Smollett had claimed two masked men hurled racial and homophobic slurs at him, beat him and looped a rope around his neck. Smollett also had claimed the attackers referenced President Donald Trump’s campaign slogan.

Police last week said the “investigat­ion had shifted” following interviews with the brothers and their release from custody without charges. Police have declined to comment on reports that the attack was a hoax. Sources have said the brothers told police Smollett paid them to stage the attack; one is his trainer and both had been involved in some way with “Empire.”

Smollett reported he was attacked while he was getting a sandwich around 2 a.m. on Jan. 29 near his home downtown Chicago. He said the men shouted the slurs and yelled “This is MAGA country.” Smollett also said the attackers poured some kind of chemical on him.

Police looked through hours of video surveillan­ce but found no footage of an attack.

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