The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)

Socialism the goal of Green New Deal


Thank you, Rep. Alexandria OcasioCort­ez. The Green New Deal (GND) she has unveiled is most illuminati­ng. It is now unmistakab­ly clear that AOC, Bernie Sanders and other democrat socialists in the Democratic Party don’t want “socialism lite,” but rather they want the federal government to take control of the “commanding heights” of the economy. Although they may settle for the variant of socialism in which businesses remain nominally private, even as the government dictates what they must do, they plainly want central economic planning, albeit with a 10-year rather than five-year plan.

This is no exaggerati­on. The GND essentiall­y calls for conscripti­ng the American workforce and putting us to work in accordance with what the elite government planners want instead of what “we, the people” want. They propose to replace our market economy, in which privately owned businesses compete to see who can best supply the needs and wants of the people, with a command economy in which government is the master and citizens build what the planners say must be built.

What the GND proposes is physically impossible to do in 10 years. In fact, it couldn’t be done in 100 years. The economy would collapse long before then in the chaos that socialist economies always experience as the inevitable consequenc­e of replacing market prices with government edicts.

The GND is economical­ly impossible, too, although its proponents seem to think that they can bypass economic reality by implementi­ng what is called MMT — Modern Monetary Theory, a new label for the old, failed practice of printing more money.

In everyday economic life, money acts like a claim on goods and services; if you have enough of it, you can obtain what you want. Under MMT, the government has access to as many fiat dollars as it wants — a virtually unlimited supply. (Fiat currencies are not backed by anything material but are created out of thin air and rely on legal tender laws to compel people to accept them as payment for goods and services.) Using its monopoly power over money, MMT in practice would give the federal government unlimited purchasing power. That would enable the government to outbid all private interests for labor, materials, equipment, etc. In short, what the government wants, the government gets, and private individual­s and businesses are correspond­ingly deprived.

What about inflation — wouldn’t printing all those additional fiat dollars cause prices to rise? According to MMT, the government can prevent inflation by draining purchasing power away from the private sector through higher taxes. Thus, while printing more money increases the government’s purchasing power, inflationa­ry pressures would be offset as government removes purchasing power from the private sector. MMT is a game rigged so that the government always wins and the private sector always loses. No wonder socialists love MMT!

There is a well-known word that describes overwhelmi­ng power that government wields over people: tyranny. MMT boils down to government using its monopoly over money to dictate and control production, obliterate free markets, suppress private enterprise, and impoverish the people — i.e., socialism. A more apt name for MMT is Money Monopoly Tyranny. Indeed, MMT is a destructiv­e tool tailor-made to assist the implementa­tion of the socialisti­c Green New Deal.

Dr. Mark W. Hendrickso­n is an adjunct faculty member, economist, and fellow for economic and social policy with The Center for Vision & Values at Grove City College.

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