The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)

Dole vs. Trump


July 22nd marked the 96th birthday of an American hero, former Sen. Robert Dole. He was gravely wounded in battle in World War II, but proceeded to have an active public and private life, and in 1996 he served America again. He was running for the presidency and when there was an obvious nationalis­t presence at one of his rallies he said, “If there is anyone who has mistakenly attached themselves to our party in the belief that we are not open to citizens of every race and religion, let me remind you tonight this hall belongs to the party of Lincoln. And the exits, which are clearly marked, are for you to walk out of as I stand this ground without compromise.” They were obviously not welcome.

In the past month, before President Trump’s launching of his 2020 campaign in Orlando, a goodly number of people were seen giving the Nazi salute as they entered, and they obviously did feel welcome.

And then Trump taunted four congresswo­men of color, and told them to “go back where you came from.” This resonates with me personally, as that exact insult that was hurled at me as I was beaten up in the 3rd grade for my religion. White nationalis­ts expressed their enthusiast­ic backing of our president’s racist sentiments.

The difference­s in the career integrity and devotion to country between Dole and Trump couldn’t be more stark. Dole told the bigots: here’s the exit; Trump said: here’s the entrance. Norman L. Bender Woodbridge

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