The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)

Impeachmen­t unsettled as Dems sue to get documents


WASHINGTON — Midway through the first year of their House majority, Democrats have yet to vote to impeach President Donald Trump. And maybe they never will.

The House recessed Friday for a sixweek summer break without opening impeachmen­t proceeding­s, the Democrats no closer to taking a vote than they were when they swept to power at the start of the year, a searing blow to liberals in the aftermath of former special counsel Robert Mueller’s halting testimony on Capitol Hill.

Yet, the House Judiciary Committee filed a fresh lawsuit Friday, its lawyers arguing they need documents from the Trump administra­tion as they pursue questions of impeachmen­t. It mentions the word impeachmen­t 76 times.

The committee chairman, Rep. Jerrold Nadler of New York, said his panel is pressing ahead with investigat­ing the president, with or without a formal House vote.

“I think too much has been made of the phrase impeachmen­t inquiry,” Nadler said Friday.

“We are using our full Article I powers to investigat­e the conduct of the president and to consider what remedies there are,” he said, referring to the Constituti­on. “Among other things we will consider are obviously recommendi­ng articles of impeachmen­t.”

The action underscore­s the tensions among a House majority that’s trying to have it both ways, preserving the idea of impeachmen­t while avoiding a potentiall­y risky vote.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi brushed back criticism that she’s “running out the clock,” as about 100 Democrats in the 435member House favor opening an impeachmen­t inquiry, according to a tally by The Associated Press.

“We will proceed when we have what we need to proceed, not one day sooner,” Pelosi said Friday during her weekly news conference.

“Everybody has the liberty and the luxury to espouse their own position,” she said, “and to criticize me for trying to go down the path in the most determined positive way.”

Pelosi said she has “no complaints” against those pushing for impeachmen­t. Their advocacy, she said, “only gives me leverage.”

With the House unable, or unwilling, to impeach Trump, it intensifie­s the pressure on the party to figure out how to defeat the president in the 2020 election.

House Democrats capped their 200th day in the majority with a long list of bills — on raising the minimum wage, strengthen­ing immigratio­n protection­s — that give voters a view of how their party would govern in the White House. An outside group started running ads, including on Fox News this week, to promote their agenda.

“These people are clowns,” Trump said Friday in remarks at the White House. “The Democrats are clowns.”

As if to shore up the left flank, Pelosi met earlier Friday with liberal firebrand Rep. Alexandria OcasioCort­ez of New York in an apparent easing of tensions with the “squad” of newcomers as they pursue shared goals.

OcasioCort­ez’s spokesman called it a “very positive and productive meeting about progressiv­e priorities.”

Pelosi said, “What we’re advocating for is a progressiv­e agenda for our country.”

Yet no sooner had Pelosi stepped away from the podium than members of the Judiciary Committee stepped up to declare they were essentiall­y well on their way to impeachmen­t proceeding­s.

“This is an impeachmen­t investigat­ion,” said Rep. Eric Swalwell, DCalif., “whether we should recommend articles of impeachmen­t to our caucus.”

Freshman Rep. Veronica Escobar, DTexas, said, “I think especially as folks go home, my hope is that, in addition to talking about all the important kitchen table things that we all came here to work on, that there is an honest discussion within our own communitie­s about whether we can continue to tolerate a lawless president.”

Asked whether he favored impeachmen­t, Nadler took a long pause.

“We may decide to recommend articles of impeachmen­t at some point, we may not, it remains to be seen,” Nadler said.

The committee’s court filing Friday was an effort to obtain secret grand jury material underlying Mueller’s report.

The court petition is among a halfdozen legal actions the House is taking against the Trump administra­tion as part of Pelosi’s stepbystep strategy of building a case against the president. The Democrats contend that Trump is obstructin­g Congress’s constituti­onal ability to conduct oversight of the executive branch by withholdin­g documents and preventing witnesses from testifying.

Democrats, including Pelosi, often note that the third article of impeachmen­t against Richard Nixon was his obstructio­n of Congress.

Next week, Nadler is expected to file a lawsuit to try to enforce a subpoena against Donald McGahn, the former White House counsel and a key Mueller witness. It challenges the administra­tion’s claim that its former employees have “absolute immunity” from testifying before Congress.

 ?? Chip Somodevill­a / Getty Images ?? Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi holds her weekly news conference at the U.S. Capitol Visitors Center on Friday.
Chip Somodevill­a / Getty Images Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi holds her weekly news conference at the U.S. Capitol Visitors Center on Friday.

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