The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)

Beware of money from Purdue case


Your commentary in the New Haven Register Oct. 24 talks about Purdue suits and how state Attorney General William Tong is trying to get his claws into the settlement­s. After what Connecticu­t did with the tobacco settlement­s, this is just another effort by Connecticu­t legislatur­e to get their hands on these types of settlement­s against unpopular product and shovel the money into the general fund.

AG Tong says, “This is not about the money, it’s about the justice.” The multibilli­ondollar settlement against the tobacco industry wasn’t supposed to be about the money, either. Connecticu­t has been getting multimilli­ons yearly that was supposed to go to antismokin­g education and support. Connecticu­t ranks at the bottom of other states with less than 2 percent going for the intended purpose. The rest gets funneled into the general fund. Connecticu­t even went so far to issue Revenue Anticipati­on Bonds to get their hands on the money ahead of time. Once again, it went into the general fund. If ever there was a time to be upset with what our state legislatur­e is doing with our money, this is it!

So here we go again, billions of settlement dollars going not to the affected but to the states. And there is Connecticu­t trying to jump on the bandwagon and guess where the money would end up?

I’m copying my state rep and senator and asking them to monitor this and make sure any money that comes out of ends up in the right place, to support education and support of those that are affected by the problems caused by drug misuse and addiction.

Bob Reil Bethany

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