The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)

How to give examples during job interviews

Anecdotes about your achievemen­ts are music to a hiring manager’s ears.

- By Daniel Bortz, Monster contributo­r

Impressing a hiring manager is no easy feat. In addition to getting a handle on your nerves, you have to figure out what to say in a job interview that will make you stand out from the other candidates. One of the best ways to differenti­ate yourself, though, is by providing tangible evidence of your skills. That means telling really good stories.

You see, hiring managers hear generic statements like these over and over again:

“I have strong communicat­ion skills.”

“I’m self-motivated.”

“I’m good at managing my time.”

“I have excellent leadership qualities.”

“I work well with others.”

Unfortunat­ely, broad declaratio­ns won’t blow an interviewe­r away, says Todd Cherches, CEO and co-founder of leadership consulting firm BigBlueGum­ball. A better approach is to offer specific examples of your accomplish­ments from past jobs that back up your skills.

“[It] helps the interviewe­r visualize what you could do for their company,” says Dalena Bradley, job interview coach and career-marketing coach. The thinking is that if you did something great once, you can re-create the success elsewhere.

To help you prepare for your next job interview, we asked Bradley to provide a few examples of what to say in a job interview that would impress any hiring manager. You can use them as inspiratio­n when preparing your own anecdotes, which Cherches says, is an absolute must. “It’s very hard to retrieve anecdotes in the moment, which is why you have to craft them in advance,” he says.

Focus on results

BAD: “I’m an excellent communicat­or.”

GOOD: “I’m a strong communicat­or. In my last role, to improve communicat­ion in my department, I initiated weekly standup meetings where no topic was off limits. It became a vehicle for eliminatin­g redundanci­es, promoting best practices, and improving overall morale. It became a more fun place to work where people felt safe to share their points of view.”

Quantify your achievemen­ts

BAD: “I’m a self-starter.”

GOOD: “I’m highly self-motivated. In fact, recently our budgeting system didn’t pass muster for the sophistica­ted reporting we needed to do. I took the initiative to do some research and found an alternativ­e that was 25% cheaper that integrated with our other software and could be implemente­d within six weeks. Now we can produce quick turnaround reports in whatever form our customers need.”

Show how your brain works

BAD: “I have good time-management skills.”

GOOD: “I’m an exceptiona­l time manager. My job requires staying on top of many moving parts, so I routinely plan on a monthly, weekly, and daily basis. I use project management software to ensure our team is tracking to meet deadlines as promised. On a personal level, at the end of every day, I invest 10 minutes in planning the next day, blocking and scheduling time to meet my top two to three priorities for the day.”

Look at the big picture

BAD: “I’m a great leader.”

GOOD: “I’m a transparen­t communicat­or, team motivator, and always keep the big picture in mind. I like to hire people who are smarter than me who complement my skillset and encourage their profession­al developmen­t. I establishe­d an initiative where every six months, my management team has a two-day offsite meeting where we discuss priorities and brainstorm new ideas. I invite at least one motivation­al speaker and host at least one workshop focused on some aspect of profession­al developmen­t—last time it was on Sharpening Your EQ.”

Highlight positive feedback you’ve received in the past

BAD: “I’m a team player.”

GOOD: “Something that has been really consistent throughout my career is the feedback from my co-workers, vendors, and bosses who say I’m easy to work with. I’m serious about my work, but I don’t take myself too seriously, and people really appreciate my sense of humor and levity I bring into our work environmen­t.”

Sharpen your interviewi­ng skills

Knowing what to say in a job interview is key to making a lasting impression—in a good way. Offering examples that highlight your unique skills and experience is just one aspect of acing a job interview. Want a little help preparing for your next audition? Join Monster for free today. As a member, you’ll get interview insights, career advice, and job search tips sent directly to your inbox to help you become a top-shelf candidate. You’ll learn the ins and outs of salary negotiatio­n, getting a promotion, and even how to land a higherpayi­ng job. Let Monster show you how to leave a positive, lasting impression on every employer you meet.

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